Proofs of receiving by Pavel Durov nationality Saint Kitts and Nevis are published

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Proofs of obtaining nationality by Pavel Durov Saint Kitts and Nevis are published

the Founder of social network "VKontakte" invested money in economy of the island state several years ago.

photos of the passport Pavel Durov appeared

In the Network, confirming obtaining nationality by it Saint Kitts and Nevis - them was published by the Mash telegram-channel. Judging by these pictures, the founder of social network "VKontakte" here has some years the passport of this tiny country - the document is issued in 2013. Earlier in mass media there was such information, but in one of interview Pavel Durov disproved it.

From Russian Federation Pavel Durov left in 2014 and, according to messages of mass media, lodged to Finland. Saint Kitts and Nevis he could receive the passport for in national economy. Thus the businessman claims that lives in the different countries, anywhere for a long time is not late and feels like the citizen of the world.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest state of the western hemisphere, both on the area, and on population. The country is included to the British Commonwealth, and formally the head of state is the queen United Kingdom. In total in the country lives about 50 thousand people, and in the capital - Basseterre - a little more than 11 thousand.


to obtain nationality Saint Kitts and Nevis, it is necessary to make a contribution to Sugar fund for the sum from 250 thousand US dollars up to 450 thousand US dollars. Various governmental charges which make no more than 10% of the main sum of a contribution are in addition paid. There is the second way of obtaining nationality — the real estate acquisition which minimum cost has to make 400 thousand dollars.


Before Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation reported that the terrorists who have arranged explosion in the Petersburg subway, discussed the plans through Telegram .