To Germany fire three hours got out a penis of the man of a pancake opening for a bar

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the Genital of the inhabitant Germany got stuck in a pancake opening for a bar. Firefighters of German of Worms .

In Germany fire three hours got out a penis of the man of a pancake opening for a bar

Rescuers arrived to medical institution where the victim addressed that to it helped. As it became clear, operation on penis release by means of cutting tools was carried out within three hours.

is Also known that disk weight for a bar made two and a half kilograms. Moreover, members of a fire brigade placed a picture of the broken pancake. On the pages they asked not to repeat similar actions in reality.

As reports periodical e-edition "" current month information arrived that the admirer of the film actress and the singer Gomes Selene made attempt to present it a bouquet of a fallichesky form of United States of America in the southwest Germany rescuers helped the local athlete to get a genital from "pancake" for a bar. The man trained in one of city sports halls.
Katrina Kristallova