Congratulation of chapter Kazachinskoe district Ozerskikh Yu. Ye. and the chairman of Kazachinsky regional council of deputies Paskolny I. N. with Day of workers of the wood
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Dear workers and veterans of forest branch Kazachinskoe district!

Warmly we congratulate you on a professional holiday — Day of workers of the wood!

Today forestry and the related branches are urged to resolve many vital issues. The forest complex — is guarantee of ecological and a powerful component of economy Russian Federation. Careful and rational use of this national treasure — a duty of each of us.

Workers of forestry of the area — the qualified professionals who devoted to the business and are honestly executing the professional duty before people and the nature. You it is careful and with love grow up and protect the Russian wood. That is why we respect work of workers of the wood and we appreciate. In this holiday special words of appreciation to veterans, for which protection and protection of the wood — not simply work, and calling and business of all life!

we Thank all employees of branch and veterans of forest service for honest and continued work. We wish you and your families of a good health, happiness, wellbeing, optimism and belief in the forces!

Chapter Kazachinskoe district Ozerskikh Yu. Ye.

Chairman of Kazachinsky regional council of deputies Paskolny I. N.