Because of shoal Sakha (Yakutia) Republic gradually refuses transportation of goods across the top Lena

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Northern delivery: Sakha (Yakutia) Republic gradually refuses transportation of goods across the top Lena. Photo: YaSIA
to all carriers is recommended to send Now freights on alternative routes

on September 8, Network edition "Information company YakutiaMedia". for several years river transport workers Sakha (Yakutia) Republic sustain losses because of shoal in riverheads of Lena. Now all carriers are recommended to direct freights on alternative routes, reports Network edition "Information company YakutiaMedia" with reference to YaSIA.

Due to the low water level in riverheads of Lena on Osetrovo's site – Kirensk is concentrated by

only shallow-draft fleet. Movement is extremely complicated even at incomplete loading, is spoken in the message JSC LORP.

"In principle, navigation goes according to plan. The only thing, the fourth year in a row big difficulties it is experienced to Irkutsk region. Small depths do not allow to carry out full loading of vessels and materials as to Yakutsk, and to ulus Lensky " — the chairman State board on safety of activity of Population Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Zaytsev Youri.

Experience of previous years shows that the large companies and businessmen of Mirninsky, Lensky and Olyokma areas experienced huge difficulties with shoal in upper courses of Lena. Therefore department has accurate recommendations to start developing schemes of through railway station in Nizhny Bestyakhe.

"Increase in depths in the short term nobody expects

. It is connected with a variety of reasons: mass deforestation to Irkutsk region, dryness and, of course, ignorance properly dredging works. Therefore Bestyakhe needs to concentrate on Nizhny" — Zaytsev Youri told.

we Will note

, because of problems to Irkutsk region this year the enterprises reconsidered routes of . As a result volumes of transported freights on the Northern Sea Route and through Nizhny Bestyakh increased by 2,5 times.

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