The resident of Free port will enclose 4 billion rubles in creation of a coal-mining cluster in Primorsky territory

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Vladivostok. September 8. INTERFAX - JSC Suchan-Ugol (Vladivostok) invests more than 4 billion rubles in creation in Primorsky territory industrial complex on production, storage and coal transportation to regions Russian Federation and Asian and Pacific Rim, are reported by Ministry for Development of Russian Far East.

the Project will be realized by

within a mode Free port Vladivostok which status of the resident of open company received at East economic forum (VEF in Vladivostok. intends to carry out recovery work of fixed assets and a production activity of a coal mine "Central" in Partizanke. on implementation of project works is already signed, to finish which is planned in the fall of 2017.

For implementation of the project with an exit of the enterprise to full capacity need 4-7 years.



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