Within the stock "Help to Go to School" it is collected school accessories for the sum over 10 million rubles

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The ministry of a family, work and social protection of the population of Republic of Bashkortostan successfully finished the seventh charitable event on assistance in preparation by new academic year to children and the families which are in a difficult life situation, – "Help to go to school! ".

it is traditional within two months – from July 1 to August 31 - the Republican Social support agency to a family and children and the interdistrict centers (and also their offices) collecting school accessories that by the beginning of new academic year first graders with pride could enter on a threshold of the school was carried out.

the Charitable event gives the chance to combine efforts for the common good deed. As practice of previous years shows, thanks to constantly increasing number of not indifferent people the number of children from the needy families prepared for school grows also. So, in 2016 the help in a type of school accessories for total amount of 7 million 537 thousand 417 rubles was received by 5 thousand 123 children from needy, large, incomplete families and the families which are bringing up children with limited opportunities of health. In 2017 thanks to common efforts of the organizations and businessmen of the republic, religious and public associations, address social support for total amount of 10 million 281 thousand 720 rubles was got by 9 223 children.

the Permanent leader of an action is the Western interdistrict CENTER FOR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE TO FAMILIES AND CHILDREN which enter Sharan district, Bakaly district, Tuymazy district, Bizhbulyak district, Belebey district, Buzdyak district, Yermekeevo district and Oktyabrsky. The organizations and businessmen of above-mentioned municipalities collected school accessories for total amount 2 and a half one million rubles, the help was received by 1 305 first graders. It should be noted that a half of the collected sum of the Western center is a contribution of the city October. The sum of 133 thousand rubles Management of Administration Tuymazy district Republic of Bashkortostan offered, JSC "Oktyabrskteploenergo" listed to children of 126 thousand rubles. School accessories for the sum of 60 - 70 thousand rubles offered such enterprises, the organizations and establishments as Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training <1> "Ufa state oil technical university" , LLC "Oyl-Servis", Department of Belebey district RB, St. Nicholas Cathedral. Besides, by natural persons it was collected accessories for the sum of 65 thousand rubles. The largest sum in 378 thousand rubles, also as well as in previous years, was brought by the enterprise ZPI "Alternative".

To the second place on the volume of the raised funds there was a Southeast interdistrict CENTER FOR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE TO FAMILIES AND CHILDREN. In total inhabitants, businessmen, the organizations and the enterprises Baymak district, Zianchurinsky district, Zilair district, areas and Sibay brought together Khaybullinsky district gave help for the sum of 100 thousand rubles. The active help in training of children by new academic year, by tradition, was rendered by subjects of small business. Individual entrepreneurs offered a school uniform and accessories for the sum more than 60 thousand rubles. Did not stand aside and inhabitants of the village Akjyar which brought 64 thousand rubles in the general moneybox.
With a small separation in 65 thousand rubles on the third place on the volume of the raised charitable funds. Not indifferent inhabitants of data of municipalities collected within the stock "Help to Go to School" of office and school accessories for total amount about one and a half million rubles.

Is pleasant to note that all educational institutions of the republic took part in the stock "Help to Gather in School" practically: schools, kindergartens, establishments of additional , averages and higher educational institutions, including their branches in the cities and areas. Public institutions and other spheres of activity (social service, medicine, judicial and law-enforcement system), and also administration of the cities, areas and rural settlements did not stand aside.
Should be noted br also that except delivery of traditional sets of office , within the stock "Help to Go to School" sponsors organized visits by school students of the movie theaters, the dramatized representations, entertainment complexes, and also other most various actions.

So, on the eve of "Knowledge Day" in offices of the social help to a family and children of Ufa and g. Blagoveshchensk took place actions during which gifts were in a festive atmosphere handed over to children, and also fascinating thematic quests, master classes for children and parents were carried out.

the Ministry of a family, work and social protection of the population of Republic of Bashkortostan expresses hearty thanks to all inhabitants, the organizations and the enterprises of the republic which have participated in the 7th Republican charitable event "Help to Go to School" for special attention to destinies of families, appeared in a difficult life situation!

Press service of the Ministry of a family,
work and social protection of the population of RB