On September 8 - Day of the financier. Congratulation of chapter Kazachinskoe district Ozerskikh Yu. Ye. and the chairman of Kazachinsky regional council of deputies Paskolny I. N. with Day of the financier

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Dear workers and veterans of financial bodies of the area!

we Congratulate you on a professional holiday — Day of the financier!

Successful development of the area, its social wellbeing directly depends on a financial system, on correctness of a pursued budgetary and tax policy. This year the Financial system Russian Federation celebrates the 2015 anniversary. Financial work demands special readiness, a high standard of knowledge, ability it is easy to be guided in subtleties of the budgetary and tax legislation, and also continuous professional growth and development of a huge number of new information. High professionalism and competence, devotion to the chosen business, integrity and decency distinguish employees of our financial branch.

we Express to

confidence that your honest work will be and to promote from now on to development Kazachinskoe district and to increase of welfare of our inhabitants.

Heartily we wish

to all workers and veterans of financial branch of a good health, stability and family wellbeing, fruitful work and the new horizons in financial activity!

Chapter Kazachinskoe district Ozerskikh Yu. Ye.

Chairman of Kazachinsky regional council of deputies Paskolny I. N.