The nomination "Professional Management of SIEGENIA Sales SYNERGY" within the WinAwards Russia project

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Within the Award WinAwards Russia, is founded by the SIEGENIA company the independent special nomination "Professional Management of SIEGENIA Sales SYNERGY". It is addressed to the best managers in the sphere of the sales which have shown professional skill within the SYNERGY project SIEGENIA.

the Developer of criteria of an assessment – the business expert Utenin Wladyslaw, the ideologist and the strategic partner of the SYNERGY project SIEGENIA. Utenin Wladyslaw – the author and the leader of professional business trainings for the leading companies of a number of branches, including farmu, window and the industries, k.m.n. teacher of top business schools, author of own books and expert publications ( Internet resource).

the nomination

In last year SIEGENIA developed

and the SYNERGY presented to the market system of complex development and motivation of team of sales of SIEGENIA. The project already proved the efficiency for a number of the top companies, among which "Factory of Windows", "Windows of Petersburg", "Gallery of Window Designs", "Start" and many other significant participants of the window market from different regions Russian Federation.

the Innovative platform on the basis of Mobile technologies is created by

with the purpose to stimulate, train and razivivat the personnel of sales in own retail, the dealer direction and the personnel of the partners, and also to strengthen loyalty of the dealers. Program strategy – together with clients and partners to achieve growth of efficiency of sales, raising a turn of more marginal and innovative in a total turnover of the company.


the SYNERGY is a strong support for the commercial head. It is its tool aimed at growth of motivation and competences of sellers, growth of their self-confidence and overall performance, and also sales of more profitable for business of . Following the name, SIEGENIA the SYNERGY means collaboration of the SIEGENIA team and the partner companies for the benefit of the general large-scale result. In this nomination SIEGENIA allocates the best managers – the professionals of the business who have reached the best results within the SIEGENIA SINERGIYA.<"21>" project by

Who they are are winners of the special nomination SIEGENIA?

They in literal sense "make money". Your team of sales – real "Top officials" of the company: these are employees with whom the first meeting of your client and your company will take place, and the most important depends on them – its decision on cooperation with you. Who selects and trains future fighters in the cold calls, difficult negotiations, ? Carries out the work organization, mentoring, monitors achievements? Helps and supports on a difficult way of transformation of the potential buyer to the real? Assumes the most difficult and problem clients? The head the sales team knowing the business is a key factor of successful sales.

by Spetsnomination SIEGENIA'S

"Professional Management of SIEGENIA Sales SYNERGY" it is devoted to the best managers in the sphere of sales, proyavshivshy the professional skill within the SYNERGY project SIEGENIA. All participants of the SYNERGY project SIEGENIA even if they are not nominees of the Award WinAwards Russia can be overcome for a victory in the nomination.

the Order of an assessment of nominees

Criteria of an assessment are developed by the business expert, the ideologist and the strategic partner of the SYNERGY project SIEGENIA Utenin Wladyslaw. The full list of criteria will be submitted till October 15, 2017.

About the Award

the Russian professional Award "Window Company of Year" (WinAwards Russia) is carried out by

the second time.

the Award Purpose – to show opportunities and the directions of development of branch of translucent designs to Russian Federation. To define and popularize in society the best companies, , in the SPK market. To stimulate the industry to the high-quality professional growth, reliability and responsibility before consumers.

Founder and organizer: Internet portal.

Official partners of the Award: "The national window union", NIISF RASN, Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki", FIOP (RUSNANO group JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO"), "Interregional institute of a window", NP "Ekologichesky soyuz", MA "FETFOKS". The branch partner – the International forum of producers of SPK STiS. With support of leaders of the market of accessories for the SIEGENIA, WINKHAUS, profine RUS, Deceuninck and IVAPER windows.