In Samarqand the Shark Taronalari festival opening ceremony took place

@IA Sin'hua
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Tashkent, 29 August/Xinhua / - In Samarqand the official opening ceremony of the XI international musical festival "Shark Taronalari" / "East Melodies" / the night before took place.

during action President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirzieev, welcoming participants, emphasized deep humanistic spirit and philosophy, an important role of this festival in friendship strengthening between the people, development of cultural dialogue, preservation of traditions of classical music, wished success in festival work.

"In a present extremely hard time when in the world various calls and threats amplify, aggravate oppositions, the role and value of musical art which without translators unites million people of different nationalities, languages and religions increase more and more, strengthens bonds of friendship, cooperation and a consent" even more, - he emphasized.

to Participants of a ceremony the dramatized concert program was submitted to


Christin Muttonen, the director general of the Organization for education questions , sciences and cultures of OIS Abdulaziz Othman al-Tuveydzhri and other representatives of the international organizations, diplomatic corps, the public, foreign and local mass media the secretary general of World Tourism Organization Taleb Rifai, the chairman of Assembly of parliaments of OSCE.

57 musicians participated In the first festival "Shark Taronalari" in 1997 from 31 states of the world, this time to Samarqand there arrived 241 performers from 58 countries.