Reported about taxes: in Akhtubinsk meeting of regional Cabinet of Ministers took place

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O tax revenues at meeting of the regional Cabinet of Ministers which has taken place the day before in Akhtubinsk, reported at once some departments.

According to the report of Ministry science and education Astrakhan region, growth rate of the actual receipts for January — June, 2017 (by the similar period of last year) a profit tax made 110,11%, the personal income tax — 103,95%.

by data Oblastnoy Minzdrav, task performance on a profit tax for January — June, 2017 made 13,4 million rubles. As the Minister of Health Dzhuvalyakov Pawel noted, task performance according to the personal income tax for the first half of the year 2017 made 453,0 million rubles (98,2% of a last year's indicator).

On a collecting of taxes in area treasury to the regional prime minister also were reported by the head of municipality Vedishchev Victor. According to him, for the first half of the year 2017 in the consolidated Akhtubinsk district arrived 566,7 million rubles.

the Share of tax and non-tax revenues made 36,9%, gratuitous receipts — 63,1%.

Execution the consolidated the area developed in the sum of 209,1 million rubles of 98,7% by the corresponding period of last year, own — 106,5%.