Izhevsk Zakhar Milostivenko prolonged arrest of the deputy of Municipal duma until the end of October

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Investigation of criminal case concerning the people's deputy proceeds.

Izhevsk. Udmurt Republic. Izhevsk Zakhar Milostivenko prolonged arrest of the deputy of Municipal duma for two months. About it the news agency "Susanin" was told in the joint press service of judicial community of Udmurt Republic.

"To it prolonged house arrest for two months – till October 23 inclusive", - noted in the press service.

we Will remind
brought criminal case on in the point of part 2 of article 178 UK of Russia ("Competition restriction by the conclusion between managing rival subjects of the agreement (cartel) limiting the competition forbidden according to Russian Federation if this act caused large damage to citizens, to the organizations or the state or entailed commercialization in especially large size"). Law enforcement agencies detained him on the night of June 24.

Knows that Zakhar Milostivenko was connected with the Avtodormostproyekt enterprise, which activity caused complaints from antimonopoly service.

Zakhar Milostivenko
Last position: Deputy of the sixth convocation (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)