Of Pakistan the young man professing Christianity accuse of blasphemy

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the Police Pakistan reported about arrest of the young man professing Christianity accused of blasphemy. The representative of police of Province of Punjab Pervez Ikbal reported on August 20 that 18-year-old Masikh Asif is accused of burning of pages from the Koran. Incident, allegedly, happened on August 12 near the city of Vazirabad.

According to the legislation Pakistan, accused of an insult of god, Islam or religious figures can be sentenced to death. According to the international human rights organization human rights organization Human Rights Watch, in 2016 in Pakistan 10 Muslims and five not Muslims on charges of blasphemy were arrested. The human rights organization notes that the law in Pakistan often abuse, including out of personal revenge.

In June in Province of Punjab sentenced to death the 30-year-old man professing the Shiite direction of Islam, for the "blasphemous" publication in Social network Facebook. In April the student of university Mardan (in the north of the country) was killed with crowd after him accused of post writing "with the blasphemous contents" on a social network. The police reported that investigation came to a conclusion that charge was wrong.

Source: Azattyq.org