Pushkin Alexander and the Baba-yaga disturb election campaign of the Kirov communists

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Regional election committee carped at the quote Pushkin Alexander on pages of pre-election newspapers of Communist Party of the Russian Federation

the Kirov regional election committee demanded

from regional regional committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation to explain how on pages of propaganda newspapers there were verses Pushkin Alexander. The election commission would like to learn, on what basis communists use in the pre-election newspaper of the quote from correspondence Pushkin Alexander with the poet-Decembrist Odoevsky Alexander. Pushkin Alexander "In depth of the Siberian ores" which as an epigraph was published on pages of Iskra and Molniya newspapers are a question of the poem, reported REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" in regional committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

In regional committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation considered that the electoral commission demanded from regional office of party to receive a consent from Pushkin Alexander and poets-Decembrists on the publication of their verses in newsletters of the Kirov communists. They are sure that the regional election committee the second time tries to forbid distribution of newsletters "Spark" and "Lightning". This time the reason was that Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not receive a consent to use of verses from their author, the dead nearly two centuries ago.


In ELECTION COMMISSION KIROV REGION declared that in regional office of Communist Party of the Russian Federation did not understand an address essence: "The commission asked to provide the bases of use of statements as has on this right by the federal legislation on the main guarantees of the suffrage. Communist Party of the Russian Federation incorrectly treats requirements about need to get permissions".


on which the electoral commission decided to demand justification of use of quotes, there do not make comments, reports " newspaper "Kommersant"" .

In regional committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation are considered by electoral commission actions by attempt to break election campaign of the candidate Sergey Mamaev and ask a question why "ELECTION COMMISSION KIROV REGION instead of guarding laws Russian Federation and the suffrage, actively adopts methods of an imperial okhranka on prohibition of oppositional newspapers, and also criminal prosecution of persons, objectionable to authoritarian regime "the interim governor" Vasilyev Igor? "


As reported REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" , at the beginning of August to Kirov region there was the scandal connected with use by regional office of Communist Party of the Russian Federation of caricatures on the governor in the party newspaper.

according to the head of regional committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergey Mamaev, on the eve of visit to the region President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the acting the governor Vasilyev Igor disposed to withdraw all 100-thousand circulation of the party newspaper "Iskra" in which it was told about corruption activity of team of the acting the governor.


Besides, in the newspaper it was said that Kirov region took the last, 85th place in a rating of heads of regions on a level of development of the competition and got to number of regions with weak political stability.

the Reason for withdrawal became caricatures on Vasilyev Igor, the newspapers placed in this release. On these caricatures of the acting the governor it was represented in an image of the Baba-yaga.

Vasilyev Igor considered that the caricature placed in the newspaper is his photo and under the law can be published in the propaganda edition only with the consent of the character. Vasilyev Igor did not give such consent to the Iskra newspaper.

the Situation with verses in the newspaper of the Kirov communists is not unique. The love to poetry already brought candidates from Communist Party of the Russian Federation during election campaigns. Use of verses of the Russian and Soviet poets already was a reason for removal of candidates from this party from elections in other regions Russian Federation.

In particular as reported REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" , in 2016 in Nizhny Novgorod cancelled registration as the candidate Legislative assembly of Nizhny Novgorod region the representative of Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the director general of plant of Ulyanov — JSC "Concern "Termal" Bulanov Vladimir.

the Claim concerning it was submitted to

who accused Bulanov Vladimir that during election campaign it illegally used in the campaign materials verses of the Soviet and Russian poet Dementyev Andrey.

Besides, Bulanov Vladimir in the materials used various photos without coordination with their authors. In particular, with violations of copyright in materials Bulanov Vladimir materials "United Russia" Party were used.

agreed with arguments of the claimant and removed Bulanov Vladimir from pre-election race for violation of the law about copyright.


Then the Nizhny Novgorod office was involved in scandal about violation of the law about copyright "United Russia" Party. The Swedish illustrator Peter Nils Ekvall declared that the party extends propaganda materials in which registration its works made in 2013 by by newspaper "The Financial Times" for the Specialist edition are used in Nizhny Novgorod

according to the artist, "the Russian authorities told that it was used for the post cards released small circulation in the small city". Ekvall intends to appeal to .

Actually Nizhny Novgorod office "United Russia" Party was involved by

in this scandal incidentally. Even the Russian journalists regularly confuse two Russian cities — Nizhny Novgorod and Veliky Novgorod. In the same way mixed two cities and the Swedish artist who later has corrected an error in the post on a social network. The newspaper with its illustrations was issued in Veliky Novgorod by regional office of party.


As reported REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" , to Kirov region registration of candidates in governors came to the end on August 5. In total four candidates will take part in vote. Communist Party of the Russian Federation on elections the assistant to the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the deputy of regional Legislative Assembly Sergey Mamaev will present, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia — the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the vice-chairman of committee on ecology and environmental protection Kirill Cherkasov, "United Russia" Party — the acting the governor Kirov region Vasilyev Igor, from "Communists of Russia" Party will go to elections Barsukov Nicholas, the commander of a staff PUBLIC ORGANIZATION CCO.

2016 the former governor Kirov region Nikita Belykh was arrested by

B when receiving a bribe in especially large size. In a month he was dismissed from a post of the governor in connection with trust loss.

of the Acting the governor Kirov region after arrest Nikita Belykh appointed the former head Federal Registration Service Vasilyev Igor.

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 784
Sergey Mamaev
Last position: First secretary of the Kirov regional office of the CPRF (KIROV CITY OBLASTNOYE BRANCH KPRF)
Kirill Cherkasov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee State Duma on ecology, natural resources and environmental control)
Pushkin Alexander
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.