To Omsk region 10 centers of rage are recorded
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A in two areas established quarantine.

As are informed by Regionalny vetnadzor, since August 10 the decree of the governor Nazarov established quarantine on rage in the territory of two regions of area.

So, a corpse of a fox were found on August 5 on a private farmstead of the inhabitant of the village Samsonovo by Tara district. The head of an animal sent for examination in PUBLICLY FUNDED INSTITUTION "OOVL" where the rage virus was revealed.


in the yard where found a corpse, were disinfected by the staff of veterinary service, they carried out vaccination of animals containing there against rage.

Days later the mad fox who has attacked a bird, was shot by villagers from the village Abrupt Onions Kalachinsk district. The fox during examination also was mad. Processing of a farmstead in which liquidated an infectious animal was similarly carried out, reported in department.

of Everything, according to experts, today in area recorded 10 centers of rage.
