The director general of LLC "Tikhrybkom", the deputy Magadan region region duma Kotov Mikhail Nikolaevich continues to support the best students of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SVGU" and the Magadan polytechnic

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Magadan. information agency "Kolyma-inform". This year 14 years are executed from the moment of purpose of the first nominal grant founded by Old salt group of companies. Let's remind that for the first time such decision was made in 2003 and signed by the director general of LLC "Tikhrybkom" Kotov Mikhail Nikolaevich and the President of Northern International University in Magadan Eugenie Mikhaylovich Kokorev. In the next years the same agreements are concluded with the MGYuA Magadan branch and the Magadan polytechnical technical school.

In July-August of this year carried on tradition, the seals and the relevant documents ratified. Forthcoming 2017-2018 academic year the best students of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SVGU" and Polytechnic with high level of the progress, responsible, actively participating in research activity, public life of educational institutions, will get also the nominal grants founded LLC "Tikhookeanskaya fishing company".

"Not only as the director general of LLC "Tikhrybkom" but also as the deputy Magadan region region duma, heartily I support initiative and capable young people. We have a remarkable youth – clever, purposeful, curious, rested in good sense. She knows that wants to reach in life, and surely it will reach! We are glad to make a feasible contribution to and formation young kolymchan, with hope that over time they become the main driving force in territory development", - Kotov Mikhail Nikolaevich supported.