Fellow countrymen congratulated the Don peasants on a record harvest

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Today, on August 16, the regional public organization "An association of residents of Rostov "The Don village" sent congratulations to the governor Vasily Golubev and to all workers of the village Rostov region on a great success on cultivation and collecting grain.

"The Don grain-growers achieved unknown indicators, such crop to Rostov region did not collect never in all 80 years of its history. We are proud of your progress", - Moscow Zotova Valeria is told in the letter of the chairman of the organization and the adviser to the mayor.

we Will remind

, in 2017 Rostov region established the All-Russian record on collecting the early grain. Farms Rostov region collected from nearly 3 million hectares of harvested acreages over 12,2 million tons of early grain and leguminous crops at average productivity more than 41 c/hectare.

the Highest productivity of the grain were received in farms by Myasnikovsky district (58,1 c/hectare), and also Kagalnitsky (53,8) c/hectare, Azov (53,5 ts%5sga), Peschanokopsky (53,2 c/hectare), Tselinsky (53,1 c/hectare). Thus in many Don farms productivity reached 70-80 c/hectare.

according to the governor, at the heart of success, except an environment, the qualitative sowing material, a rational crop rotation, modern system of processing of the soil, application of fertilizers and timely protection of a crop against diseases, weeds and wreckers lie. Scientifically reasonable standard of farming gives a high contribution to productivity also. But the most important is a dedicated work of peasants, Vasily Golubev is convinced.

Press service of the governor Rostov region

Kradinov Vasilii , employee of the press service,
ph. (863) 240-55-35