In Staraya Poltavka district the new rural road is open

@GTRK Volgograd-TRV
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B Staraya Poltavka district opened the new five-kilometer road to the village. Let's remind, construction of rural roads in the Volgograd region became more active in 2014. Last year in area the record amount of such objects - 26 access roads with a firm covering is built. Such indicator is recorded for the first time after 1991. And tracks are constructed not only to villages, but also to agricultural enterprises, socially significant objects, and it, in turn, promotes complex development of territories. In particular, regional grants - arrangement of vacation spots, park zones, creation comfortable conditions for sports activities, and also development of social and cultural spheres are successfully realized. In this sense Staraya Poltavka district is a good example.
Belokamenk's Village Staraya Poltavka district – almost 400 kilometers to Volgograd. To Saratov here is three times closer. But especially hard inhabitants were given the last 5 kilometers of a way to the village. Roads here never was, only one direction, but today everything changed.
provided Now a continuous communication with the continent. As tens years they had to overcome an impassability of roads, inhabitants do not want and to remember now. In Belokamenke there is a gas, electricity, the central water supply. But off road terrain significantly slowed down village development.
Ovchinnikov Alexander, inhabitant of the village Belokamenka: "Ditches were on a belt, even a tractor got stuck. At the moment at us the excellent, of course, is expensive. Though we have in the village many all-wheel drive cars, but, I think that we will say goodbye to them. Let's buy more softly and pokomfortabelny".
Prodanchuk Svetlana, the inhabitant sat down Belokamenka: "We for these years strongly promoted very much, and that was the forgotten village. There was no bus to the area to reach, now at us everything is fine, everything is good. The only thing – the people" are necessary to us.
guests go Now to Belokamenka with pleasure. And field services can reach here much quicker. And it is the saved lives and property.
Ryblov Nicholas, paramedic of ambulance: "Minutes 20–30 left on off road terrain. Understand, on "Sable" it everything is heavy. And with the advent of the road – five minutes and here".
road Delivery – a holiday for all rural settlement. Inhabitants watched construction. It, by the way, went trouble-free. Began in 2016, end according to the plan is planned for October of this year. But the contractor tried, and already today the road is ready for operation – in June there were road signs and a marking. To quality of works of claims did not arise.
Abdullaev Rizvan, driver of a toplivozapravshchik of the company contractor: "When to people it is good, and at us desire even more to construct roads. That by these roads there went new beautiful cars that did not break. There is a wish to build roads".
the Road to Belokamenka appeared within work of the target programs "Sustainable Development of Rural Territories" and "Development of Transport System Russian Federation". Project cost of 140 million. Financing federal, with attraction of financial resources regional . In the short term roads with a firm covering will appear to all settlements Staraya Poltavka district.
Vasilyev Anatoly, chairman of committee of transport and road economy Volgograd region: "We go on other object, an entrance to Saltovo. There live 905 people. We promise the road since 1986, and the decision by the governor is made today that we will construct it. This year and following – on 10 kilometers, till 2020 we have to enter it. The road will master going therefore we will master, try to reach results".
Implementation of infrastructure projects – one of the priority directions of the long-term strategy designated by the head of the region by Andrey Bocharov still in 2014. First of all to new level there has to be a quality of life. In Old Poltavka there will be a swimming pool already soon. Such object is not present anywhere in Zavolzhye – from Saratov to most Volgograd.
Today readiness of object of 75%. It will work at any time years, for all comers inhabitants of the area. The system of ventilation and is already mounted. In the pool even water purification will be unique for similar objects of all region.
Victor Klyuster, head of Municipal state institution "Department of capital construction" ADMINISTRATION OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT STAROPOLTAVSK: "Here chlorine absolutely, here system a little bit another will not be used. Water through special electrodes will be loaded. Water will pass through a special chamber where these electrodes" are located.
Construction of the pool will allow to attach rural youth to sports, and also becomes one more object for population leisure. Today its absence forces many to run from the remote place.
Kildeev Rachid, chapter of ADMINISTRATION OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT STAROPOLTAVSK: "Both the crop, and the pool is under construction, and today Ilovatka-Belokamenk Road is open. Mood at people the good. Arrival of the governor in 2014 – objectives all on points are carried out".
in Old Poltavka goes Today realization at once several projects. Improvement at the expense of regional grants, repair of objects of culture and leisure. Complex work which is carried out in the region since 2014, already seriously to the best changed life of areas.
Andrey Bocharov
Last position: Governor (Administration of the Volgograd region)
Ovchinnikov Alexander
Prodanchuk Svetlana
Ryblov Nicholas
Abdullaev Rizvan
Municipal state institution "Department of capital construction"