The Tyumen prosecutors revealed 231 violations in the sphere of protection of the rights of disabled people and aged in the first half of the year 2017

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Supervision of observance of the rights of disabled people, aged and other socially unprotected categories of citizens is one of the priority directions of bodies of Prosecutor's office of Tyumen region. As a whole in the region conditions for ensuring their activity are created.

Meanwhile violations still are.

In the first half of the year 2017 the Tyumen prosecutors revealed 231 violations in the sphere of protection of the rights of disabled people and aged. For their elimination 1 protest, 105 representations is brought, to courts is sent 6 , 11 cautions are declared. Under acts of public prosecutor's reaction 91 officials are brought to a disciplinary responsibility, to administrative responsibility – 7. On materials of prosecutor's office 1 criminal case is brought.

the Revealed violations concerned providing disabled people with housing, technical means of rehabilitation, sanatorium treatment, work, etc.

For example, Prosecutor's office Armizonskoe district Tyumen region established that in area administration two workplaces created for disabled people are taken by citizens who disabled people are not. The prosecutor's office brought idea of elimination of violations of the law which was not executed. Then the prosecutor's office addressed in District court of the Armizonskoe district of the Tyumen region with about a duty of administration to create two workplaces for persons with limited opportunities. In the course of judicial proceedings the administration voluntary created one such workplace. In this regard in June obliged the respondent to create one more place of work for the disabled person. The other day the judgment was executed.

Work on protection of the rights of disabled people and aged will be continued by


Division: Prosecutor's office of Tyumen region