Innovative development of the Ozyorsk enterprise

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at the end of July down the street Chapayeva, the house No. 9 was restored a pipeline site with application of "An intellectual sleeve". Work was performed by JSC UZPT"Beacon". bestransheyny repair allowed to perform work without opening of an asphalt covering and a stop of movement of motor transport.

Before carrying out scheduled maintenance within preparation for a heating season experts of MMPKKH on this site found leak on a giving pipe. Experts of JSC UZPT"Beacon" offered the help in the solution of this problem.

Ozyorsk works on restoration of a site of the pipeline of a heating main with a diameter of 76 mm, 18 meters long, passing under a roadbed down the street Construction were successfully complete on July 28.

Should be noted especially that work was performed without stopping motor transport movements, without violation of integrity of a paving, without carrying out earthwork. Within implementation of the pilot project, installation was executed at the expense of means of JSC UZPT"Beacon".

bestransheyny repair of pipelines - "An intellectual sleeve" was developed by engineers JSC UZPT"Beacon" which many years are engaged in innovative development in the field of creation of new polymeric materials, with use of gamma and quantum modification of polymers. Support of the project is conducted according to an order of the governor Boris Dubrovsky on promotion of innovative projects.

Restoration of pipelines with the help of "An intellectual sleeve" allows to achieve considerable decrease in time for reconstruction of pipeline systems, increases the term of operation of a restored pipe (more 25let), allows to keep existing infrastructure that excludes costs of carrying out recovery work.

This example of effective interaction of local governments and the Ozyorsk manufacturing enterprise the deputy head of administration commented on Ozyorsk Ulanova Olga :

– "An intellectual sleeve" – innovative development of the Ozyorsk enterprise, allowing in the bestransheyny way to restore pipelines of different function, has no world analogs and is absolutely new segment of the Russian economy. This is patented JSC UZPT"Beacon", being resident "Skolkovo" and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO". As the strategic partner of this anchor for Ozyorsk the project Federal state unitary enterprise "ON"Beacon" act.

Successful tests of development took place

in Moscow, Chelyabinsk. It would be wrong not to use this socially useful in our city.

Certainly, idea transformation in the project of the world scale with its already practical realization became possible thanks to the director general of JSC UZPT"Beacon" Alyavdin Dimitri and harmonious work of his team.
