In Republic of Bashkortostan discussed questions of development of museum tourism

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28 July, 2017 in Bolsheustyikinskoye's village Mechetlinsky district, on the basis of the Mechetlinsky local history museum, took place exit meeting "Museum tourism. Development directions".
the Exit meeting was held by
, the museums at club and leisure establishments and the school museums located in northeast areas of the republic.
representatives of republican and local authorities made a speech At meeting: Ministry of culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Administration of the Mechetlinsky municipal district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; heads and staff of the National museum of Republic of Bashkortostan; heads of the state and municipal museums of northeast areas of the republic; head of the museum of sanatorium of "Karagay" (Bolsheustyikinskoye's village); teachers of the House of pioneers and school students Mechetlinsky district; business owners who are engaged in travel business.
Participants of exit meeting noted improvement of quality and expansion of the sphere of museum activity, activization of cultural and educational and exhibition activity of the museums of the northeast of the republic. The museums of the northeast seek to become information and tourist objects, the card of municipalities, actively cooperate with tour operators of the region.
during work of meeting considered the following questions: role of the museums in increase of tourist appeal of northeast areas Republic of Bashkortostan; possibilities of the museums on promoting of tourist and recreational resources of the northeast; experience of partnership of the museums, travel business and improving organizations; tourist and local history work of the school museums of the region; technique of development and carrying out route excursions of the museums for tourist groups; experience of cooperation of the museums with multipurpose rural clubs and other problems of museum business.
Participants of a seminar got acquainted with an exposition and exhibitions of the Mechetlinsky local history museum, including the Museum kubyza – exposition a hall of the museum and sights Mechetlinsky district.
Event was held by
. The meeting was directed on implementation of provisions of the State program "Development of internal and entrance tourism in Republic of Bashkortostan".
the Organizer of meeting – Ministry of culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The coordinator of action – the National museum of Republic of Bashkortostan.