Affairs deputy. Tennis tables as a gift for children

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the Amicable company, running in the foyer of Recreation center of the residential district of Kaplanovo of Novokubansk, boys here first of all ask week from the director of establishment of S. N. ICHP Shemelina to give out them rackets for game in table tennis. Having a little competed, run in school on summer practice. And then again come back to a tennis table.

Such genuine interest to this sport is caused by

in children not so incidentally. At the end of the past week in Recreation center the joyful event took place: Kadyrov presented to inhabitants of the residential district a new table for game in tennis. Sports equipment at once established, pulled a grid, unpacked rackets and balls. And the right to play the first game was acquired, certainly, by young inhabitants of the residential district.

— Earlier we appealed in administration of the New Kuban city settlement to help with acquisition of a tennis table — tells S. N. ICHP Shemelin. – Despite it, the gift became big surprise. After all our desire was carried out very quickly. Today the tennis table is the real center of Recreation center. The most part of time at it is carried out by boys. Little girls too play but while is more rare. Thus to us, adults, it is very joyful to watch their sports fights, to note everything the best game and the most important to know – our children are occupied with useful business, are under supervision, instead of aimlessly spend time on streets.

here week morning in Recreation center begins

I with ball knock about a table and the rackets, encouraging shouts and counting of points. Accurately children established sequence and game time. So quarrels here at all do not happen. On the contrary, boys and little girls try to help each other, give advice as it is better to hold a racket or to return a ball from a table. Besides they are sure — not far off the first competitions. And there is a wish to win places of honor of winners all.

By the way, the same sports gift was given and for inhabitants of the residential district ROSNIITIM of Novokubansk. Tennis table, as well as in Kaplanovo, established in Recreation center. And here it enjoys not smaller popularity.

young deputies could Get tennis tables as a gift for novokubanets on the means received for a victory in municipal on "The best Council (group) of young deputies Novokubansk district". The remained money will be directed also on healthy lifestyle promoting. Very soon in a city recreation park there will be a new object for sports: near a platform for workout will install street exercise machines.

Matyushechko L.

Alexander Ivanovich Yeliseev
Main activity:Official
Шемелина С. Н.
Golovchenko Ye. V.
Vilgotsky D. L.
Davtyan G. A.