Expert: the markets of United States of America are vulnerable before an instant collapse

@Vesti. Ekonomika
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Moscow, on July 25 - news portal "Vesti.Ekonomika". United States of America are vulnerable before risks of instant collapses when sharp falling of quotations happens because of failure in trade programs.
it in interview to a portal of MarketWatch were declared by Bradley Katsuyama, the founder and the general director of IEX stock exchange. He noted that more than a half falls to the share of computer programs from all volume of in the American .

Portal news portal "Vesti.Ekonomika" earlier shined a subject of risks of high-frequency (high-speed) trade. Along with Bradley's other experts Katsuyama already drew attention of mass media to this perspective. Against a sharpening of the anti-Russian moods among representatives of media and political elite of United States of America a number of experts expressed opinion that Russian Federation can try "to destroy" the market of United States of America.
a Number of experts earlier expressed opinion that the similar situation can repeat not only in stock markets, but also on debt, in particular in the market of state bonds of United States of America. flash crash precedents in the trezheris market already were. In particular, one of cases of sharp and formally causeless falling of profitability on 10-year state bonds of United States of America occurred on October 15, 2014.

of the Schedule: Ministry finance of the United States of America ( PDF )