Diplomats from Kazakhstan demanded to stop building at a Muslim cemetery in Omsk

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Construction stopped after negotiations with the city hall.

On social networks information that in Omsk at the residential district "Crystal" construction works in the territory of "the Kazakh cemetery" are conducted extended, reports Kazpravda.kz portal. The events are recorded on video which was uploaded on Social network Facebook by the user Spotkay Maxime. It is reported that video to it was sent by acquaintances.

"On a video fragment human remains in the form of the bottom jaw, skulls and large bones of a skeleton are clearly distinguishable. Construction works are conducted near the residential district "Crystal". On this place there was the Kazakh aul Karzhas", – the user wrote.

For a situation explanation the consulate of Kazakhstan addressed to the Omsk city hall.

"The consul of RK in Omsk Kunaev Eldar reported that following the results of negotiations with Administration of Omsk construction on a Muslim cemetery is stopped. According to the city hall, the ban has official character. At present the consulate together with the management of the city hall resolves an issue of recovery actions. It should be noted, the situation is on special official departments Russian Federation and Kazakhstan", – reports PK.<"33>" embassy


thus as the official representative told RK Zhaynakov Anuar on the page in a social network, the Omsk authorities did not give the construction license in the cemetery territory, moreover, any works there and is not conducted. As explained to department, in the territory of Muslim burial laid sewer networks, as it was possible to take for the begun construction. For the corresponding comment consulate Kazakhstan addressed to the acting mayor Omsk to Frolov Sergei.