The Canadian governor general violated and touched the queen

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General-gubernator Canada David Lloyd Dzhonston came under the spotlight of correspondents after violated and touched Elizabeth the 2nd.

Elizabeth II visited the House Canada in honor of the 150 anniversary of the country.

the Queen and her representative came downstairs.


It is specified that the representative of the queen in Canada slightly touched her elbow during descent on a ladder of the Canadian house. But by tradition at meetings with the English queen it is deemed it appropriate to abstain from touches, except the answer to Elizabeth II handshake.

"I thought that, after all it is possible, it would be expedient to neglect to promote the queen" — designated Johnston. The British press scarified Johnson's behavior, writes information portal "Gazeta.Ru" .

the Queen and her spouse Duke of Edinburgh Philip left embassy Canada. The Canadian inhabitants presented to the queen a sapphire brooch which indicates sapphire anniversary of finding of the queen on a throne — 65 years.

In 2009 in the opinion of newsdealers of the spouse President of the United States of America Barack Obama Michele when at the sight of the queen tried it to embrace in the same way dropped herself.

The governor general of Canada accused a slippery carpet of protocol violation during a meeting with Elizabeth II