The police Los Angeles destroyed about 5000 units of firearms

@IA Sin'hua
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Los Angeles, 20 July/Xinhua / - the Police of the district Los Angeles American State of California on Wednesday centrally destroyed about 5000 units of firearms.

As knew, in total 4971 units of firearms, including withdrawn by law enforcement agencies and handed over by the population, it was destroyed in the melting furnace of the metallurgical company in Rancho Cucamonga. From the received steel the fittings for construction in State of California high-speed roads, bridges and houses will be cast.

according to the sheriff of the district Los Angeles Jim McDonnell, present action helps to turn murder tools into materials useful to society.

we Will remind

that 24 years in a row the police of the district Los Angeles holds annual event for the centralized destruction of firearms. For these years 165 thousand units of firearms were destroyed.