In Salair restored the monument destroyed in the 1930th years to Alexander II

@Gazeta Kemerova
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In Salair took place a ceremonial opening of the restored monument to the tsar Alexander II . The metropolitan Kemerovsky and the Prokopyevsk Aristarkh who sprinkled it with holy water took part in opening of a monument.

For the first time a bronze monument were established on January 19, 1984 in the small church square of the settlement by Salair. The tsar the left hand leaned on a sword, and in the right kept the decree text about release of local workmen from obligatory work. At the beginning of the XX century Salair supported an initiative of inhabitants practically to only Russian Federation: in the country busts, bas-reliefs and various sculptural images of the monarch-liberator began to appear.

However in 1933 the salairsky temple ruined, crosses and domes sent for melting, and the building came to desolation. Monument to Alexander II pulled off from a pedestal a tractor and also sent for melting.

B 2016 in the run-up to anniversary of salairsky arrival the project "110 years I began to develop knew you! ", reported in the Kuzbass metropolitanate. It managed to be realized thanks to the metropolitan Aristarkh with support of chapter Guryevsky rayon Malyshev Sergei and heads of the Salairsky city settlement Eugenie Nikolaevich Yestifeev.

"Promyslitelno that the monument to the tsar-liberator is restored in a year when the Church celebrates the 1950 anniversary of death of Saint pervoverkhovny apostles Pyotr and Pavel. This monument will erect on the eve of the 200 anniversary since the birth of the emperor Alexander II who became the Russian history as the initiator and a svershitel of many and large-scale Russian Federation" — the metropolitan Aristarkh noted.

of the Photo: Kuzbass mitropoliya