Quantum computer: small particles for big break

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Guest article from Fedorov Aleksey, the research associate of the Russian quantum center, the coauthor of development first-ever quantum Technologies blokcheyna

Quantum computer, perhaps, is the most difficult and most intriguing device of "the second quantum revolution". It is possible to consider that – a wave of on the basis of use of individual quantum objects – the idea Quantum computer, actually, and started this revolution. Really, as stimulating factor of prompt development in recent years such as quantum communications, quantum random number generators, , and also Quantum sensors, it is possible to consider Quantum computer.

At present the universal Quantum computer – the hypothetical device, and its creation – one main calls for science and engineering. Coming within the International conference on Quantum technologies (which will take place in Moscow on July 12-16, 2017) public lecture of the leader of the quantum project of Google Inc. Martinis John is urged to open the most interesting aspects of the race which is developing round construction Quantum computer.

That can give us Quantum computer? Except revolutionary consequences for existing tools , Quantum computer will open a way to the new materials, new methods of search in databases, recognitions of images, Machine training, and also as it is predicted, by a new era in development of Artificial intelligence.


Quantum computer the D-Wave companies on a cover Weekly "Time".

the Twentieth century presented to us computers. Despite that fact that an elementary cell of the computer – the transistor – can also by the right be considered quantum , for the description of operation of computers of rather classical physics available at our disposal. Therefore we will call computers habitual to us classical. For the description of process of calculation concept of the car of Turing who is completely imitating execution of algorithm on the computer.

Quantum computer scientific community brought "three mental cloudlets" To idea [1]. First "cloudlet" – development and synthesis of the classical theory of information of Shannon on a quantum case. In spite of the fact that first interest to such task can be considered purely academic, and consideration rather abstract (characteristic it is more for mathematics, than for physics), these researches quickly revealed the capacity of quantum systems for information theory. Important paradigms for the quantum theory of information arose in works Youri Ivanovich Manin, Vizner Stephen (offered the interfaced coding and "quantum money"), and also Kholevo Alexander (proved well-known "Holevo's Theorem"). Later, by means of the developed David Eliezer Doych Turing's quantum car the first quantum algorithms for hypothetical Quantum computer started being investigated.

Second "cloudlet" is an interest to a question of what physical restrictions imposes the quantum mechanics on possibility of computers. This question was brought up by Bennet Charles (one of founders Quantum cryptography), and was shined by Richard Phillips Feynman in one of the first reports, to the devoted Quantum calculations. It appeared that rather difficult to formulate such restrictions (except for, perhaps, dimensional according to which hardly the transistor can be less, than one atom). And if to think in terms of dimensional restrictions, it is possible to construct hypothetically very tiny computer in which all classical bits (0 and 1) will be replaced with quantum bits (kubity), realized by means of two-level quantum systems (system which can be in two possible states). Such tiny the computer will be described by laws of quantum physics, and quantum bits will be is not only in two states, but also in all possible superpositions of these states.

At last, third "cloudlet" is connected with that computers showed the potential for complex settlement challenges, for example, in nuclear or space projects. However in the tasks connected with calculation from several quantum particles, serious advances was not. Nevertheless, for calculations in the field of quantum physics there is a lot of actual tasks.

All these ideas in total represented a great interest for scientific community, but did not answer the main issue: what could give hypothetical quantum computers? Advantages in calculations? In what task? Calculation of multipartial quantum systems? How?

at the beginning of the 90th years was offered some quantum algorithms which gave a noticeable prize in comparison with existing classical algorithms. In 1992 David Eliezer Doych and Yozhi Richard (on the basis of previous work of David Eliezer Doych 1985) showed that quantum the computer gives a prize in a task in rather specific task. Let's imagine that we have a function about which it is precisely known that it or accepts always identical value (0 or 1) for all arguments, i.e. is a constant, or is balanced (for a half of range of definition accepts value 0, for other half 1). Question: how many it is necessary to look at time at result of calculation of this function to tell balanced it or a constant? In this (we will directly tell, rather impractical) Quantum computer shows to a task an exponential prize in comparison with the classical.

Another (too not painfully practical) an important step became Simon's algorithm. Simon's algorithm calculates the function s period for linear time while any classical algorithm needs exponential time depending on length of entrance argument of function.

Nevertheless, Simon's algorithm inspired Shor Peter on creation of quantum algorithm of the solution of a problem of factorization (number decomposition on multipliers) and discrete logarithming. Despite besides present abundance are difficult mathematical terms, these tasks are much more practical, than seem at first sight. Such tasks are used in Cryptography with an open key. The idea Cryptography with an open key consists in using such task for which direct calculation is simple, and the return task is difficult. Really, it is rather simple to multiply two prime numbers, and here if the large number is given a task to think at once difficult of what simple multipliers it consists. It is difficult to think not only to us, but also even to the best classical computers.

Thus if Quantum computer is created, existing information infrastructure regarding methods of information security has to be modified. Methods Cryptography with an open key are used in very wide range of for , therefore Quantum computer – the real threat for confidentiality of data, a nuclear bomb of information eyelid. it is interesting to

to note that the modification method which guarantees absolute firmness of enciphering even in the presence Quantum computer, was offered in 8 years prior to algorithm Shor Peter in work Bennet Charles and Zhil Brassar, and also in work Ekert Arthur 1991. However only after creation of algorithm Shor Peter work Bennet Charles and Zhil Brassar, suggesting to use quantum effects as a way of information security, received the deserved attention of scientific community.

the Potential of quantum algorithm Shor Peter, and also quantum algorithm of Grover which gives acceleration in other practical problem of search of a database, riveted close attention of scientific community to a problem of development Quantum computer. In addition to mentioned to "three cloudlets" the fourth kept up – remarkable experimental progress in the field of creation of methods of work with quantum to systems at the level of their separate individual objects (the photons, separate atoms, electrons and dr). This progress was noted by the Nobel Prize of 2012 to Serge Arosh and David Eliezer Doych Vaynlend with the formulation: "for creation of breakthrough manipulations quantum systems which made possible measurement of separate quantum systems and management by them".

However a problem of construction Quantum computer is extremely difficult. To construct the big system consisting of quantum objects so that it, on the one hand, it was rather well protected from an environment (which can destructively influence its quantum properties), thus, on the other hand, to allow objects of this system (kubitam) "to talk" with each other for realization of calculations, really very hard.

the Positive fact is that quantum bits can be created in principle in absolutely different physical systems. It and ultracold gases of atoms and molecules in optical lattices, superconducting quantum chains, photons and many other quantum systems. Thus each of these systems possesses a number of advantages and shortcomings.

For example, from ultracold atoms and molecules in optical lattices it is possible to create not universal Quantum computer, called by often quantum simulators. The matter is that the behavior of such particles in optical lattices very much reminds behavior of electrons in the periodic field created by ions. Having established some compliance between systems, it is possible by means of system of atoms or molecules to reveal new interesting phases which have to arise under certain conditions and solid bodies. Such tasks as creation of heavy-duty alloys or search of the materials passing into a superconducting state already at the room temperature here are the most intriguing. The last, of course, will lead to revolution in the electrotechnical industry as will allow to transfer energy without loss. Modeling of quantum conditions of huge number of atoms on ordinary computers and demands enormous resources, and its results only restrictedly are applicable to real physics, and quantum simulators can open new ways for revolutionary in cellular communication, medicine and household appliances.

of One of the most perspective on a way to creation Quantum computer is use superconductor kubitov. On the basis of superconductor quantum bits the quantum processor (calculator) of the D-Wave company works. the D-Wave companies is not the full-fledged and universal Quantum computer therefore today we still can make purchases on , ciphering data of the cash card existing means. the D-Wave companies, uniting some thousands kubitov, is intended at present more for the solution of problems of optimization by a method of quantum annealing.

Annealing – the metallurgical term – means a class of methods of the solution of the optimizing tasks operating by the principle of annealing, i.e. heating to a certain temperature, endurance during certain time at this temperature and the subsequent, usually slow, cooling to room temperature. In the course of cooling the system "moves" between the states providing the minimum energy until then will not cool down yet, having chosen for itself the best states. Due to quantum effects, such as tunneling, quantum systems are more "mobile" therefore allow to find the best solution effectively. As well as in a case with quantum simulators, quantum annealing is not a universal method. It can be directed on the solution of problems of a certain class. Nevertheless, potential rather big. The matter is that problems of optimization are closely connected with tasks Machine training. Therefore Quantum computer can potentially bring big benefit to development of new highly effective methods of training of Neural networks. Besides, the great interest to quantum methods of optimization is stated by the large industrial companies such as NASA and Airbus [2].

is possible, this potential became decisive for Google Inc., created not so long ago research divisions on creation and studying of Quantum calculations under the direction of Martinis John. At what the company investigates as potential already existing Quantum computer D-Wave, and looks for approaches to creation universal Quantum computer on the basis of superconducting kubitov.

Other companies, such as IBM, to Microsoft COR and Intel also show interest to creation of Quantum calculations. For example, to Quantum computer from 5 kubit, to created IBM, access [3] is open. Microsoft COR and Intel establish close relations with scientific community. Joint research programs, probably, will allow to open the potential of the most fundamental approach to Quantum computer – to the topological Quantum calculations. The matter is that it is possible to be protected from the mistakes caused by an environment by means of topology. Some parameters of systems called by invariants, do not change (at certain restrictions) at change of external conditions. If to connect kubity with these invariants, it is possible to be protected from mistakes. However it is rather difficult to create such conditions of substance, now researches in the field of topological Quantum calculations from the point of view of experiment only begin. because of influence of an environment it is heavy to

Quantum computer in the form of a crystal about several nanometers in size can be introduced in a cage of a live organism without violation of its activity and then be used for measurement of microscopic fields in this cage. By means of this become possible carrying out a magnetic and resonant tomography of separate cages, their parts and even separate molecules. It opens absolutely new horizons for biology and medicine. There is available an enormous volume of knowledge of activity of parts of cages, development of diseases, mechanisms of functioning of drugs. Quantum sensors will help to understand and structure of synoptic communications of a brain of the person, having made possible treatment of its diseases or having allowed to understand other processes of brain activity.

Should not forget that Quantum computer – not only consists of the processor. He also assumes existence of memory and interfaces. One of the most perspective candidates for creation of memory for quantum states are ultracold atoms, and for interfaces – photons, after all that will not transfer information quicker, than light particles. Therefore the hybrid Quantum computer, combining all best qualities from all best quantum systems can be possible shape of the future.

Need to be meant also that Quantum computer (in any forms: the simulators "annealing" or universal) do not solve all problems better classical, and solve only special classes. There is no wish to be mistaken also in forecasts as Olsen Ken, told in 1977 "Hardly will come to someone to mind to install the house computer", but there are bases to believe that Quantum computer will enter our everyday life as part of the general and big hybrid information infrastructure of the XXI century. Such introduction really will allow to open "through" potential Quantum computer and Quantum technologies in general, having opened new doors on a way to progress.

[1] Sending on lecture A. Game where he told about "three cloudlets" which led it to a decanter.
[2] www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/industry/12065245/Airbuss-quantum-computing-brings-Silicon-Valley-to-the-Welsh-Valleys.html
[3] phys.org/news/2016-05-ibm-users-quantum.html