We prepare for a holiday

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We prepare for a holiday

this Saturday, July 8 Sosnovoborsk will celebrate the next, 44th Birthday! The most popular inhabitant of neighboring pine pine forest – protein – becomes "keynote" of all holiday. Organizers promise the extensive program calculated on various age and taste of citizens. Will be, both actions traditional for the City Day, and absolutely new entertainments.

1 Start to festive actions on a central square will be given to

of the Photo at 11:00. In the same time on Entuziastov St. will begin the procession parade of carriages. For creativity organizers decided to expand borders, having dated all action for a year of ecology and having called it "A nature cradle". Squirrel, of course, in a priority, but for parade can come and any other "animals" and in general, the scope of procession is everything that is connected with the nature and the world surrounding us. Three nominations are declared: baby carriage, toy carriage and bicycle. Winners are waited by remarkable gifts!

to Participants of fancy-dress procession it is better for

to be registered in advance by phone: 2-86-01 .

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Will arrive to congratulate Sosnovoborsk on the next birthday and already well familiar to citizens strongmeny. Their 3-hour power show "Siberian Tanks" promises to be spectacular. In the program: liftings of various weights weighing up to 300 kg, relay from 110 kg a suitcase, a perekidyvaniye of huge iron spheres through a level, well, and certainly, draft of multiton cars.

Chairman of sports society of a power extreme Krasnoyarsk territory Surov Sergei:

"We will arrive big team – about 10 people. The most distinctive athletes are two champions – Martynenko Petr from Abakan and Veselov Innokenty from Krasnoyarsk. They often compete with each other, it is interesting to watch their fight. The car we will lift also the truck from a place to move. To residents of Sosnovoborsk, I think, it will be interesting to look at number with spheres weighing from 120 to 180 kg. Come all to a holiday! Having looked at our program, you change the idea of human opportunities! "

the Platform with a power extreme will be developed by

on st. Lenin Komsomol opposite to RKK "Iceberg". The Siberian Tanks show program beginning – at 14:00.

photo 3.jpg on July 8 is also celebrated in only Russian Federation – Day of a family, love and fidelity. Organizers of the City Day could not avoid such coincidence. To residents of Sosnovoborsk will show the whole idea of traditions of the Russian weddings - about ceremonies of courtship, shows and a rukobitiya, a hen night and wedding, with songs yes entertainments national. Action promises to be not only touching and spectacular, but also informative!

Heroes on this holiday become Yury and Lyudmila Kolegovy – to their family this year will hand over the 10th anniversary medal "For Love and Fidelity".

"Wedding" in the Russian traditions will begin at 13:00 on a platform to the right of the fountain.

Separately should be prepared by

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C 11:00 around a maslyanichny column on a central square will need to find till 15:00 a squirrel, to fill in together with it the coupon which and will participate further in draw.

the Surname of the most successful resident of Sosnovoborsk – the winner of draw – declare from a scene at 20:30. At 21:00 concert entertainment program will begin. And all will come to the end with traditional festive fireworks!

It is only the smallest part of the program of celebration of the City Day, detailed – it will be possible to find in the following number "Sosnovoborsk newspaper".

the Organizer of a holiday – Administration of Sosnovoborsk.

Partners – local office of "United Russia" Party