Evening digest of news: The deputy United Russia party member was declared bankrupt, by "Potomsky's Filter" and other results of day

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All good evening! We offer our readers the daily evening digest of news.

the Deputy United Russia party member declared bankrupt

Arbitral tribunal of the Oryol region satisfied JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RAYFFAYZENBANK" about recognition by the bankrupt of the deputy of the City Council of the Eagle, the United Russia party member Vadim Nikolaevich Trifilov. Concerning it procedure of realization of property is entered. The basis for recognition Vadim Nikolaevich Trifilov the bankrupt became nearly 6 million debt to . In addition other creditors of the deputy also appeal to with statements for inclusion of their requirements in the register of creditors. In total the deputy has in the sum more than 60 million rubles. And the other day the financial requirements to Vadim Nikolaevich Trifilov showed and ADMINISTRATION OFFICE MUNITSIPALNOGO IMUSHCHESTVA and land use of the Eagle.

"Potomsky's Filter"

past week the Oryol mass media faced

which became tradition from 90th years of the last century. Later in Government of Oryol region reported that these meetings will be closed and that will start up on them only pro-governor's TV channels which, however, will conduct only legal shooting. On July 3 it became clear that meetings are closed not for all, on them will be present only chosen, loyal to the governor of mass media. While, of course, early to speak about censorship to Oryol region, however about restriction of the rights of journalists on receiving objective, instead of the "correct" information, it is necessary to speak. "The Oryol news" tell that occurred.

the Authorities exposed for discussion the program of formation of an urban environment

Government of Oryol region exposed for discussion the "Formation of a Modern Urban Environment in the Territory Oryol region for 2018 - 2022" program. Financing of the program makes more than 842 million rubles. It is possible to leave the offers on a government portal in the section of public discussion of normative legal acts.

Vadim Nikolaevich Trifilov
Last position: Finance director (LLC "Akvarel")