The American expert estimated prospects of a meeting Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump

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Presidents Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and United States of America Donald Trump this week for the first time will hold personal meeting. Contact is planned at the forthcoming summit" G20" (G20) in German Hamburg on July 7-8. Before two leaders communicated only by phone - once after a victory Donald Trump on elections to United States of America and still twice after its inauguration.
the Assistant President of the Russian Federation Youri Ushakov called

the forthcoming meeting "very important and necessary". And chapter The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov waits from it "for clarity about prospects of the American-Russian interaction".

the American-Russian summit talks often happened difficult, but the present summit even to such measures costs independently. Many politicians and experts consider that the relations of two countries came down to the lowest point since the termination of "cold war". The damage from such situation is beyond far bilateral ties and affects the international scene. As the Secretary of State of United States of America Reks Wayne Tillerson recognized recently, the European partners asked Washington D.C. to find a common language with Moscow.

Donald Trump during election campaign it is consecutive and contrary to opinion of the American foreign policy establishment promised "to get on" with Russian Federation and her president as it is sure that it is equitable to interests of the United States of America. But to float against the anti-Russian current to it it appeared where as it is difficult. Intelligence services of United States of America accused Russian Federation of attempts of influence on the American presidential elections. And Donald Trump the democratic opposition hangs on it a label "the agent of the Kremlin" and presses squall of attacks about attributed arrangement to Moscow.

In such conditions to the president yet did not manage to overcome inertia of foreign policy elite which from both parties of a political range call for rigid repulse to Moscow. In five months after its inauguration practical work on normalization of the relations is at a germ stage. Moreover, not only steps towards to Russian Federation, but even attempt to meet President of the Russian Federation was for Donald Trump to the limit.

It expressed to

readiness in case of a victory on elections even before inauguration to meet Vladimir Putin. But to carry out it neither to, nor after inauguration it was not possible. Even meeting coordination on "twenty" was tightened to the last, and is obvious because of uncertainty from the American side. In Moscow the interest designated long ago and rather accurately. The white house only past week confirmed that the meeting nevertheless will take place.

the Free format

No clarity neither on a format, nor according to the contents while is present." That our president" will want will be discussed actually, - in such words the adviser President of the United States of America on national security Makmaster Herbert described to journalists the meeting agenda.

One of problems that while the White house often finds it difficult to formulate distinctly the approach or long-term strategy of the solution of key problems on the international scene. In promising statements to solve all problems of a shortcoming is not present, in separate sharp indicative actions too. But the reality though gradually also is formulated, while in obvious deficiency. As a result from Washington D.C. quite inconsistent signals arrive. As, for example, to Syrie. Donald Trump was going to cooperate with Russian Federation against terrorists of DAISh (the Arab name forbidden in Russian Federation IGIL groups) and promised to refuse attempts to discharge of the power of the president Bashar Assad on what the previous owner of the White house Barack Obama insisted. But at Donald Trump United States of America for the first time directly interfered with a course of the intra Syrian conflict, on what Barack Obama did not decide even. The American VS already twice used force against army Damascus, and several times against their allies. Thus Donald Trump continues to repeat that the purpose to Syrie is DAISh, and against Bashar Assad he does not intend to be at war. It confused not only Moscow, but even "hawks" in Washington D.C., explanations demanding from the White house against whom that is going to be at war to Syrie.

the Newspaper of newspaper "The Guardian" with reference to the former officials familiar with a course of preparation for a meeting, claimed that Donald Trump asked the assistants to prepare the list of possible concessions Russian Federation. In particular, following the results of a meeting Russian Federation it diplomatic property to United States of America can be declared return, access to which was blocked by the previous administration.

One on all, whether all on one

will be able President of the United States of America in a business manner inherent in it to bargain concessions - while a question open. After all for this purpose it is necessary to go in defiance not only to opposition pressure, but also own advisers. The president with the enthusiasm about possible partnership with Russian Federation is quite lonely in the American capital.

its foreign policy device mostly is completed by representatives of traditional foreign policy elite of United States of America who perceives Russian Federation skeptically. Independently there is unless the Secretary of State Reks Wayne Tillerson . And his advisers call not for concessions, and for pressure upon Moscow. In particular, from Donald Trump the role in on pre-election infrastructure of United States of America wait for rigid statements about the attributed Russian Federation. Past week information agency "Associated Press" told that Donald Trump insisted on a full-scale meeting with Vladimir Putin with observance of all formalities. But his advisers in the White house and State Department urged the president to be more careful, to walk a meeting or at all to be limited to bilateral negotiations of heads of foreign policy departments without participation of presidents.

Draws in in this sense and Congress of the United States of America. And both oppositional democrats, and allied to the president republicans. In a summit threshold senators the vast majority of voices supported the bill which would give the law status to all existing sanctions against Russian Federation, and also strongly would limit powers Donald Trump on removal of sanctions without congress approval. The document while started slipping in the lower house, but its further destiny can depend directly on tone and the content of negotiations in Hamburg. If congressmen consider a position Donald Trump too soft or compliant, can try to return adoption of law it to the politician on Russian Federation to more rigid course.

Opinion of the expert

at the request of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" prospects of the American-Russian summit the executive director in authoritative estimated Sanders Paul the Center for national interests (Center for the National Interest) .

"The meeting will present to two presidents opportunity personally to meet and exchange the points of view. At desire leaders can always declare success, but conversation hardly will lead to essential breaks.

Personal contact between two leaders is all the same important. They make decisions not only on the basis of reports, notes, briefings and meetings, but also proceeding from personal impressions. And impressions just also are formed at personal negotiations.

Donald Trump is, seemingly, still adjusted to look for opportunities for strengthening of cooperation with Russian Federation. The most perspective probably is dialogue on Syrie, but also it promises to be quite difficult.

In the White house to Russian Federation belong differently as it was and at the previous administrations. The team Donald Trump potentially sees to Russian Federation both the partner, and the opponent. It, by the way, frequent to United States of America the relation to Russian Federation. Disagreements are obvious to all, but opportunities are looked through also.

the Administration gradually forms more and more accurate approach to fight against DAISh, the conflicts to Syrie and in Ukraine. But detailed discussion of these questions by presidents looks premature for lack of deep dialogue between their subordinates who have to define that is possible and that is not present.

That to an internal political situation to United States of America, it strongly complicates any attempts Donald Trump on cooperation with Russian Federation. At the same time, if it finds opportunity for interaction with Moscow where it will be obviously equitable to interests of United States of America and will not demand the victim other priorities, it has a chance to achieve political support of the approach."