Quantum computer: big speculation for the rise. Lecture in LLC "YANDEKS"

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We continually hear that not far off an era of active use of Quantum calculations that such systems become available already soon to experts, including analysts of data. But how many it was necessary to wait actually? The research associate of the Russian quantum center Fedorov Aleksey brings up to date and tells how there are affairs with development of Quantum computer.

Under a cat — interpretation and part of slides Fedorov Aleksey.

All good afternoon. I want to thank organizers. Time Quantum technologies became a discussion subject in such format, this subject means is perceived, starts sounding at rather high level. Such companies as LLC "YANDEKS" — leaders in the IT industry, and is very healthy that in their agenda and in their sphere of interests there is Quantum technologies. It is a certain world trend. I am very glad that we act today here. I work with

Ya in the Russian quantum center and I represent team which within the Russian quantum center is engaged in development of IT products. The quantum center started as fundamental scientific institute, but very quickly in development began to be engaged in applied researches in the sphere of Quantum technologies, one of them — Quantum cryptography, the project in which we are engaged. And our speakers — I, Kiktenko Eugenie, Anufriev Maxime, Pozhar Nicholas — all of us represent this team therefore we will be glad to talk not simply formally about the declared subject, but also povzaimodeystvovat from that point of view that our interests are quite strongly blocked. We will be glad to any questions in the sphere of Quantum technologies, without being limited to Quantum computer.

On the central slide I placed this picture. Whether you, what know it for a symbol?

Is a statue which settles down near the Frankfurt stock exchange and means two strategy of how it is possible to play in the market: on increase and on fall. Quantum computer is corner Quantum technologies, and now to its development is connected not only the state as the main basic researches, but also the IT company, large producers of . They go in this sense a bull, make large investments and efforts in development Quantum computer because see in it a certain new opportunity for revolution in . And the main message of my report — why Quantum technologies and Quantum computer — it very abruptly and why it not simply is interesting and beautiful idea, and really gives huge opportunities for development of all industry of .

That I as the person, the most part of time engaged in physics, heard from specialists in programming and ? I heard about the following trends.

We often hear

or such projects of already existing companies, as Internet of things, Machine training, Big Data and . These trends sound everywhere, set information occasions, however behind them, except beauty of algorithmic decisions, beauty of mathematics, beauty of programming, there is a real iron. And this iron already quantum.

If to watch development trends not information, but Quantum technologies, now is transition from management of the collective quantum phenomena which are cornerstone of such devices as transistors and lasers, to management of individual quantum properties.

is rough speaking, the laser — management of a large number of particles of light, a large number of photons, and now we learned to operate light, atoms, substance at the level of separate microscopic elements. Such trend is observed from year to year, arises more and more experiments, offers which use laws on quantum physics already at the level of separate fundamental particles of a matter. And here for me the most delightful is that it not simply goes from desire to learn fundamental science, but also is demanded in technological trends.

Quantum particles allow to construct the computer which will solve the problems quicker. Quantum computer allow to construct communication systems which will be better protected from listening. Quantum technologies allow to create more tiny sensors.

all this
I is cornerstone of such applications, as GPS, future medical sensors, new materials which are demanded in trends of .

All technologically successful countries actively are engaged at present in development of Quantum technologies. In these researches the huge number of means is put, special programs of support of Quantum technologies are created. If to return to history — all of us remember space race between the USSR and United States of America.

participate In quantum race not only the states, but also the private companies. Totally Google Inc., IBM, Intel and Microsoft COR enclosed about 0,5 billion dollars in development of Quantum computer lately, created large laboratories and the research centers.

Quantum technologies are still interesting to that imply a certain format of researches where the fundamental science is very closely interfaced to applied researches.

Here is presented to

the card of the quantum centers of the world which are points of competence and growth points. In 2011 on this card there was the Russian quantum center which I represent. It is fundamental scientific institute which turned into an ecosystem where basic researches coexist and stimulate development of applied .
However today we tell

, and there is a wish to create within this lecture the certain context, allowing to understand why Quantum computer in general are interesting and necessary.

Here is presented to all the known law of Moore which expresses a certain trend of growth of productivity of already existing computers. We know that from year to year computers become more powerful, however behind it there is a reduction , its miniaturization. Thanks to our progress in creation of transistors we can create them less, and have everything more dense per elementary unit of area. But, of course, this trend has

a fundamental limit. It is caused by physics.

Hardly we will be able to create the transistor of the size of one atom. For this purpose some atoms are required at least. As far as I know, the most tiny in the world the transistor consists of seven atoms. However if Moore's law proceeds as it proceeds, in 2020 we will need to create computers with the transistor in one atom. And it seems impossible.

That here can be made? It is possible to increase productivity due to other , at the expense of cloud computing, parallelization, to think up any which will allow to approach most close a limit of the law of Moore, that is to create the smallest in the world the transistor. It is very cool task.

However even if we will approach

to speak to me about it, but I will give examples of several tasks.

First — a problem of optimization of search. It rather badly decides on classical computers.

Second closest to me and important — modeling of difficult physical systems. For example, using modeling from the first principles, it is very heavy promodelirovat any rather difficult physical system. It demands a huge number of resources.

Is different applied tasks which for wide audience seem rather remote from practice, such as prime factorization. However for everything their fundamental importance for various is known.

I even if we will approach close a limit of the law of Moore, such tasks to solve we will not be able.

Certainly, we will be able. But for this purpose a lot of time will be required.

Would be desirable to receive physical system which will allow to solve these problems in a more optimum way. It appears, it exists, and there are in a context Quantum computer.

Ya spotted in the Nobel lectures Geym Andrey, one of founders of a decanter, such interesting idea. He told how it came to idea to be engaged in researches in the field of a decanter, using mental cloudlets. He heard about something, it was somehow processed at him in the head and when it saved up enough mental cloudlets, it created the concept what to be engaged in two-dimensional carbon and a decanter very interestingly.
I consider

led three mental cloudlets to the concept.

First. Unclear, how to be with vychislitelno complex challenges. Really it will be always really difficult for us promodelirovat any physical system? Or whether really the problem of prime factorization has rather effective classical algorithm?

Second moment more fizichny. It is connected with question research that for restrictions quantum physics as one of the most exact physical theories imposes on process of calculations. For example, Richard Phillips Feynman and Charles Bennett investigated the question, what minimum quantity of energy or warmth is allocated at commission of one elementary operation. Whether it is possible to create the computer, the most productive and the most economical from the point of view of energy allocation? How to create the most tiny computer?

the Third question is more to mathematics. It is connected with research of a question of what interesting properties gains information theory if to pass from the description of classical objects in the classical theory of probability to the description of quantum objects, to the quantum theory of information. The banknote represented here illustrates idea of quantum money. It is one of the first concepts which means use of any practical . The matter is that if to create banknotes in which authenticity will be provided with creation of special quantum states, due to specific properties of quantum systems such banknotes cannot be forged.

the Second portrait here — a portrait of our compatriot Kholevo Alexander. It is known around the world as the founder of one of fundamental theorems — the quantum theorem of information or the theorem Kholevo Alexander. Here, in the basis of the quantum theory of information, to us to eat than be proud. The Russian researchers keep good tradition of the interesting publications, interesting results in this area.
That the quantum physics gives to

. It is very difficult to create the big quantum system which elements, on the one hand, rather well will interact among themselves and thus will be rather well protected from an environment which can destroy them.

One more interesting aspect — the theorem of a cloning ban. It is the forbidding theorem. If in the quantum world there is any quantum state which is in advance unknown, it cannot be copied, unlike classical information. If there is a classical signal, it always can be copied. In the quantum world no quantum state can be copied. And this radical difference of quantum information from the classical.

On what the concept of Quantum calculations is under construction? In principle, it is possible to abstract in a certain degree from difficult laws of quantum physics and to imagine the concept of Quantum calculations as follows.

System of bits which to us is habitual in classical computers, is replaced with system kubitov. It is two-level quantum system or system like eagle-reshka when there are two possible states, and until measurement the system is in superposition: at the same time and in this state, and in it with any probability.

All bits which we have, are replaced on kubity. All logical elements from classical processes are replaced with quantum processes, and the result of calculations turns out by measurements. Thus in Quantum computer processing all possible options of realization turns out at once, that is on an entrance you give not one bit, not zero or unit, and all possible combinations — and perform all operations over this superposition. A certain quantum fortune is as a result come into. Make its measurement and receive the answer.

In principle, at conceptual level is all concept of Quantum calculations. Bits replaced on kubity, classical operations replaced with quantum operations, as a result we receive that it is necessary to measure, repeatedly we measure and we receive the answer.

It of what can consist kubity. The matter is that kubity can consist of huge variety of various physical systems. We got used that the bit is coded at the expense of tension level. In quantum physics there is a variety of physical systems. It both light particle, and a matter particle, both nuclear backs, and solid-state systems which can be in such interesting condition of superposition. They have various advantages and various shortcomings. Here key today fact: anybody up to the end does not understand, on what physical, Quantum computer as a result will be constructed. There is a confidence that so-called solid-state systems or systems with superconductor kubitami are one of leaders, however competition between two Quantum computer, constructed on the different physical principles was held about a month ago, and it did not reveal any radical advantage of one system over another. One systems are better scaled, it is easier to control others, the third are better protected from a dekogerention, from interaction process with an environment.


Give within lecture we will be limited to two possible pictures. The first — light polarization. It is very simple to imagine it, light particle — very simple two-level physical model, and it is very popular in other appendix of Quantum technologies: in so-called quantum communications. The second picture — backs. Backs can be up or down, it and is kubit. Until we did not measure, this condition of superposition. Plus-minus the one second.

about what I already told — interesting process which results from Quantum calculations. There is a new quantum state.

On an entrance gave some superposition of zero and unit, carried out with it repeated procedures. At the exit there is zero and unit superposition.

to receive the answer, to us it is necessary to carry out measurement, and it needs to be seen off repeatedly. Quantum calculations mean that repeatedly on an entrance some in advance known quantum state moves. Over it procedure of transformation and measurement is made then. And measurement as a result gives the answer.

This procedure of quantum measurements rather difficult. It is a holivarny subject even for experts in the field of quantum physics. I pay your attention that we have a regular heading on a site N%2B1 which is called "The quantum alphabet", and we there discuss such delicate questions, including questions of Quantum calculations. Why to us all this is necessary for

? What will help us to make Quantum computer, what interesting counters it will give us? For what all this bedlam with replacement of bits on kubity, replacement of logical operations and total results of calculations? What does it give?

It gives advantages in the whole class of tasks. The problem most interesting to me which Quantum computer solves well — a problem of factorization of discrete logarithming as it is cornerstone of systems with asymmetric Cryptography. And each time when we buy something on , our data are ciphered by means of algorithms asymmetric Cryptography, Cryptography with an open key. They, in turn, are based on such tasks, in particular, as discrete logarithming and prime factorization. And in this sense Shor's quantum algorithm — the most important and most interesting example of quantum algorithm because it solves a practical problem exponential quicker, than the classical computer. In this sense Quantum computer — threat to existing infrastructure .

As soon as it will appear, any system of open distribution of a key which is based on such tasks, it will be possible to crack. On the one hand, it is bad, it can lead to revolution, and is frequent Quantum computer call information bomb of the XXI century. But on the other hand, at present it is not necessary to worry very strongly because Shor's algorithm demands universal Quantum computer which can solve any algorithmically formulated problem, and it is very difficult. Yes, it gives enormous advantages, but because of the fact that quantum systems fragile to external influence, it is very heavy to create system from rather large number kubit that over them to perform all operations and then measurements.

Quantum computer to provide, for example, breaking of systems with asymmetric Cryptography, has to possess enough kubit, working in such quantum mode. And he demands creation of effective methods of management by these quantum systems.

about the universal Quantum computer to you will be told Today by Kiktenko Eugenie in a context of algorithms. What algorithms are interesting to Quantum computer from the point of view of the appendix? And Anufriev Maxime — from the point of view of the solution of a task Machine training on the universal Quantum computer.

the Universal Quantum computer — a complex challenge, and it it is very important to understand. There is even no unambiguous temporary assessment when it will appear. This year round this subject there is a lot of haypa, even the first issue of the Nature magazine left, one of articles — "Quantum computer jump out of laboratory" with the forecast that in 2017 there can already be any commercial Quantum computer, capable to solve really useful problems. And the forecast so optimistical that allegedly will appear the full-fledged universal commercial Quantum computer for the solution of practical tasks.

Though is very controversial question. Estimates of experts vary from 5 to 25 years. And in this sense it is very difficult to tell when Quantum computer really will arise.

Quantum computer which exists already now, constructed the D-Wave company. It is good for the solution of very narrow class of the tasks interesting today: tasks Machine training and Artificial intelligence. Such computer is very easily scaled, but it works not completely in a quantum mode and cannot solve any randomly set problem. It gives acceleration only in a certain class of tasks at the expense of very curious mechanism about which today Pozhar Nicholas, in a training context not will tell universal Quantum computer, and on the example of D-Wave.

Is one more kind of Quantum computer which is called as a quantum simulator. It is intended for the solution of even more specific class of tasks — for modeling of other types of physical systems. Here rather big prospects — for example, for search of high-temperature superconductors. These are materials which can carry out electric current without loss at the room temperature. While the theory for such systems is known only for very low temperatures. There are pilot studies which suddenly find any materials which are carrying out current at different temperatures, for example at –100 degrees Celsius. However the full theory of high-temperature superconductors is not present, because it vychislitelno a complex challenge. Quantum simulators are urged to reproduce some properties of such physical systems and to give some help, in what direction such materials can be looked for. But simulators also are not universal Quantum computer. As I already told

, in researches in the field of Quantum computer already put the IT companies. Very cool example — Google Inc. which simply enticed to itself Martinis John, one of leading experts in area of Quantum calculations on superconducting kubitakh. Martinis John at the same time directs several directions. One of them — creation full-fledged universal Quantum computer. Another — research existing Quantum computer the D-Wave companies and search of those tasks in which it gives advantage.

By the way, Martinis John will be this year on conferences of the Russian quantum center . There will be an open lecture where he about Quantum computer which is developed in Google Inc., can tell simply everything.

of Other big player — IBM company. It announced recently the open online platform for work with their pyatikubitny Quantum computer. In this sense of the program for Quantum computer anyone can already write, but, of course, its potential is limited by that kubitov is not enough.

Another players in this market — Microsoft COR and Intel, and at them is a shot with the longest sight — creation antopologichesky Quantum computer. Because of a dekogerention because the environment brings mistakes in process of Quantum calculations, the part of resources Quantum computer needs to be spent for their correction. Topological quantum systems allow to avoid it. At present it very fundamentally the difficult scientific concept behind which there is a lot of interesting mathematics. It is very strongly remote at present from any practical realization. In particular, predicted topological conditions of a matter which are interesting from the point of view of calculations, were not found yet in experiment. However for basic researches in the field of consequences of topology for physics in 2016 the Nobel Prize was awarded.

is Very interesting the following fact: we got used that the classical computer — actually same system, the solid body which is responsible for all its functionality. We both memory, and calculation will see off, actually, on one . However Quantum computer allows us to make so-called hybrid system which will take by nature, from various forms of a quantum matter the best. For example, it is known that at present, apparently, it is best of all to build processors by means of superconductor kubitov. All interfaces, all thanks to what Quantum computer and their various elements will communicate among themselves, it is possible to build by means of photons — light particles. This is the best agent for information transfer.

Certainly, in the course of calculation sometimes it is necessary to store intermediate results, then to perform with them further operations. The best indicators from the point of view of storage of quantum states show nuclear systems. Therefore Quantum computer — a big and interesting fundamental task which will allow to combine, take by nature the best and to construct the most attractive, productive and interesting hybrid system.

At present our primary activity — work not over Quantum computer, and over system of quantum communications within the QRate project. And about quantum communications we will be still glad to talk. Quantum communications — the board allowing us to be protected from a sword Quantum computer to create system of distribution of the keys which firmness does not depend on computing resources of the malefactor. Thanks for attention.
Charles Bennett
Main activity:Scientist
Kholevo Alexander
Fedorov Aleksey
Anufriev Maxime
Yandex LLC
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Communication and IT