Belinsky Aleksey : Development of transport branch will increase competitiveness of the DV-region

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At committee meeting. Photo: News agency of regional news agency "PrimaMedia"

on June 28, information agency "IrkutskMedia". Questions of development of transport branch Primorsky territory and Far East as a whole were the focus of attention of participants of exit enlarged meeting of committee for vehicles and components of public organization "Business Russia". In discussion which took place in Vladivostok on Tuesday, June 27, representatives of executive power, regional and federal business community, public men, experts of profile educational institutions of edge took part. They used a format of a meeting to share opinions and experience of the establishments, and also to plan ways of permission of available difficulties for realization of capacity of transport enterprises, reports the correspondent of news agency of regional news agency "PrimaMedia".

the Governor Primorsky territory Vladimir Miklushevsky who was present at committee meeting, put emphasis on need of forward development of transport enterprises as indispensable condition of implementation of projects of federal value – territories of advancing development and Free port Vladivostok. He emphasized what exactly to these purposes are subordinated development and deployment of the preferential conditions creating favorable conditions for disclosure of competitive capacity of the region.

Vladimir Miklushevsky

Vladimir Miklushevsky. Photo: The news agency of regional news agency "PrimaMedia"

— level of economy Primorsky territory in many respects depends Today on overall performance of the large industrial enterprises, them at us about 30 which are engaged in production of vehicles and components. It the enterprises which go in for shipbuilding, ship repair, aircraft industry, aviarepair, car assembly production, instrument making and many others — was told by Vladimir Miklushevsky. – The created instruments of support are specially urged to make the area of development in these zones to export-oriented enterprises. The state represented by the federal authorities and the regional authorities create in TORAHS engineering and transport infrastructure for residents of these territories. Besides, we develop the international transport corridors" Primorsky territory-1" and "Primorye-2", meaning that Primorsky territory as a whole in the geopolitical plan is the unique region. By means of transport corridors and nonfreezing ports Primorsky territory we are capable to provide transportation of the Chinese freights.

the Member of a general council of "Business Russia", the chairman of Committee on vehicles and components Belinsky Aleksey in the performance especially noted relevance of meeting in the territory Primorsky territory. In his opinion, the solution of questions of transport branch will promote successful realization of an East Asian orientation of policy Russian Federation.

Alexey Belinsky's performance

Performance Belinsky Aleksey . Photo: The news agency of regional news agency "PrimaMedia"

— the Reason for which we hold meeting in Vladivostok, concerns that vector of a state policy, east which now in a priority — Belinsky Aleksey spoke. — Competitiveness of the Russian economy depends, first of all, on our ability to make not worse, than make to Southeast Asia. As far as the country will take place in foreign markets, depends on as far as we are capable to compete with Chinese, Koreans, Japanese to Southeast Asia.

the Chairman of profile committee Public organization "Delovaya Russia" urged participants to concentrate on joint development of the decisions promoting development of the region. Thus Belinsky Aleksey emphasized that implementation of this purpose is possible only on condition of the coordinated collaboration with executive authorities and societies.

In this context the director of Ussuriysk lokomotivoremontny factory - branch JSC "Zheldorremmash" – JSC Zheldorremmash branch (enters "Locomotive ") Gusev Dimitri suggested to consider a question of creation of the coordination center for intersectoral cooperation. This body, according to the production worker – the practician, could help to overcome the information vacuum which has developed in the environment of the enterprises Far East and to promote effective satisfaction of demand of their requirements.

— the Essential shortcoming I consider by

so-called vacuum of information on requirement of the enterprises located in Far East. Therefore I suggest to consider a question of creation of the coordination center for intersectoral cooperation – Gusev Dimitri spoke. — Such center will allow us to define basic needs of the enterprises and to make focus on satisfaction of their requirement. We can communicate on requirements of our group, the defensive enterprises and the industrial companies.

Dmitry Gusev

Gusev Dimitri. Photo:

Besides, the head of Ussuriisk LRZ paid to news agency of regional news agency "PrimaMedia"

— it is undoubted, our fixed capital – employees. We have a deficiency of experts of working professions. I think, with support of Administration of the Primorsky Territory we will be able to create, organize corporate training center on the production site and to provide such training — Gusev Dimitri offered.

Belinsky Aleksey who also is the director general of UK LLC "Lokomotivnye tekhnologii", supported practical proposals of the colleague. It also designated prospects of development of transport of the region.

— Plant in Ussuriysk – one of our best plants, is basic plant for BAM, it is plant which does also accessories for locomotives which does and — the general director reported . — I have no ready solution of a personnel question. Here, inside Far East, we compete for the poor offer of labor, it, of course, does not do us by more competitive. As for transportations, transit grows from year to year on some million tons. It is very big figure. We have huge plans for commissioning of mining and processing complexes. Therefore a rasshivka of bottlenecks on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the second thread on BAM – in the project of the first priority. They stand in a priority of transport strategy, strategy of development of Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi". I very much count that these infrastructure restrictions will be overcome in established periods. The same concerns also approaches to ports, and solutions of a personnel question.

During action

during action. Photo: The news agency of regional news agency "PrimaMedia"

As is supposed

, the meynstrimny offers developed during work of transport committee "Business Russia", will be recorded in profile documents of this public organization and will be cornerstone of the practical measures directed on strengthening of measures of the state support of the industrial enterprises.

Reference: Belinsky Aleksey , member of a general council Public organization "Delovaya Russia", chairman of committee on vehicles and components, director general of UK JSC Lokomotivnye komponenty.

B 1997 graduated from the Cherepovets state university; in 2013 – the Moscow regional humanitarian institute.

In 2004 - 2006 worked in "Severstal-grupp",


2006 - 2007 – Unicredit Markets and Investment Banking, sector of corporate finance and implementation of transactions of M%26A in mining and metallurgical branch;

2007 - 2009 – the director general LLC "Pokrovka Finance"; 2009 – director general JSC "Transmash" (Engels); 2009 – 2011 – director general LLC "TMKH Vagonostroyeniye";

with 2012 – the present is the director general of UK JSC Lokomotivnye komponenty.
