Razgoveniye in a Muslim way

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of Ides al-Fitr — a holiday for all Muslims, and according to Islamic dogma there are its integral attributes which never change, for example zakyata, prayer commission early in the morning, happy pastime with a family and friends. Nevertheless, the people differ from each other, they belong to different cultures and civilizations, and therefore in each country a holiday on the termination of sacred month Ramadan celebrate in own way. Our material is devoted to it.

Comoros. Free-style wrestling

On the Comoro Islands of Ides al-Fitr is connected by

with sports meets, in particular, on free-style wrestling. With holiday arrival islanders hold competitions between fighters from various regions, they compete for a cup of the champion on free-style wrestling at the level of three islands making this state: Autonomous Region of Ngazidja, Ndzhuani and Autonomous Region of Moheli. These competitions take place during all three holidays and attract many people, both men, and women.

On Comoros Ides al-Fitr is accompanied by execution of custom of "handshake", it is one of the most known customs on the islands connected with celebration of the termination of Ramadan when Muslims congratulate the relatives and friends, asking: "You gave that a hand? ", meaning, whether they congratulated this or that person on a holiday.

Besides, Ides al-Fitr is unique opportunity for carrying out public actions, a marriage or engagement. In time a holiday of head of families allow the daughters to leave the house that is not allowed in other days within a year. On the Comoro Islands unmarried girls are forbidden to leave the house of the father without maintenance, exceptions make two cases: holiday and marriage.

Somalia. Kindling of fires

Celebration of Ides al-Fitr to Somalia is characteristic: people wait while in the sky there will be no half moon then kindle fires, that is, do the same, as at the beginning of a month Ramadan, and after a morning prayer visit native and friends. Sacrifices are very often made, and already prepared meat distribute to relatives and poor.

Nigeria. Processions of sultans

In the forest district and villages Nigerian Muslims prefer to put on identical clothes and to pray open-air in the middle of trees in the fine atmosphere. Distinctive feature of celebration of Ides al-Fitr to Nigeria, as we know, are processions of princes and sultans. These wonderful processions look forward both Muslims, and not Muslims of the country. They stand on a road roadside to watch a procession in which participate the prince of the city, his minister and colleagues, and also group of actors who entertains the prince on a way to a mosque by means of national verses and songs.

Ethiopia. Free transport

That this granting free vehicles for transportation of believers to places of commission of prayers in all regions of the country is characteristic for Ethiopia against other African and Islamic countries, so. Besides, prayers are made there as well as in other Muslim countries — on city squares.

From known Ethiopian dishes which prepare on a holiday, need to distinguish "al-mufu", it is preferred by inhabitants of villages while traditional drink is "abashi". Also in the first day of a holiday some Muslims make sacrifice.

Malaysia. Tables of ministers

Ides al-Fitr is one of the largest holidays to Malaysia, in language of locals it is called "As Hari raya". For Malaysians this holiday gives chance to return to the village and to meet parents. Often many followers of other religions accept Islam during celebration of the termination of Ramadan and prayer commission therefore Malaysians consider that this holiday attracts the non-Muslim population.

Celebration of Ides al-Fitr is not limited to participation of one Muslims. Representatives of other religions also take part in it, such as Christianity, the Buddhism and Hinduism as this holiday is family for all Malaysians, irrespective of their religion or race.

the Government Malaysia this holiday not as will organize other countries of the Muslim world: to each minister financial funds on which they lay tables with entertainments in days of celebrations are allocated. Anyone can come. Thus it is not required that the minister to be the Muslim, this custom is made irrespective of its religion.

Organizing such dinners, ministers meet a great number of citizens of various religions. Not smaller interest to this action is shown by foreigners.

Indonesia. Return to villages

In the state with the greatest number of the Muslim population in the world upon termination of Ramadan million Indonesians living in the cities, come back to native villages to celebrate a holiday together with the native. This annual return to native villages and the cities is an integral part of celebration of Ides al-Fitr at Indonesians and though they did not come to a consensus concerning sources of this custom under the name "scales", historians consider that it is very old custom.

In the capital shops close the doors, construction works stop, and rich families are compelled to rely on themselves as maids, nurses and drivers go to the country to carry out there holidays.

Sudan. Group visits

Festive preparations of Sudanese not strongly differ from customs of other people of the Arab region, nevertheless, one of the most known customs which distinguish a celebration in Sudan, this bright manifestation of feeling of unity and solidarity. After a morning prayer on the occasion of Ides al-Fitr men in villages go to houses of elders of the area or the village, and each of them brings with himself something special for breakfast, and then they groups go to hospitals and nursing homes that they too tested pleasure concerning a holiday.

the First day of a holiday of the man carry out, visiting neighbors, after a dinner they go to other areas, and in process of celebrations of such visits becomes more and more. Some Sudanese prefer to go from the city to the country to note Ides al-Fitr in a circle of a big family. Women usually bake cookies with a peanut, "gariby" and "lankshiry".

Afghanistan. Breaking eggs

In Afghanistan during Ides al-Fitr hold competitions in breaking eggs. These days all parks and gardens are filled with people, children buy boiled eggs and try to break eggs of each other. In addition, eggs usually paint, and then bring home in large numbers.

Morocco. Henna

To Morocco carrying out festive rituals is more connected by

with women, than with men. So, after a morning prayer of the woman start doing drawings by henna on hands and feet, for them the list henna always associates with the happiest events in life.

© information agency "RIA Novosti", Stashkova Helena, Beznosov Sergei
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Also during a holiday is prepared by the Moroccan dishes the most known of which is "takliya" (fried onions), and also that call "fried sticks". These days when the groom comes to the house of the bride, she treats him with dried fruits and nuts, for example, almonds and dates.

Yemen. Kindling of firewood

One of the most known festive traditions at the Yemen people during celebration of Ides al-Fitr, is collecting firewood. Them put in height to burn all night long during a holiday. This strange custom is expression mourn for Yemenites of the termination of sacred month Ramadan and approaches of Ides al-Fitr. In holidays inhabitants of villages make sacrifices, and meat of a sacrificial animal distribute to neighbors and friends though usually this ritual is made during the Eid al-Adha holiday.

Turkey. Candies

the Holiday of Ides al-Fitr to Turkey always associates with candies and chocolate. Celebration proceeds within three and a half days — since the second half of the last day of Ramadan and during the first three days of month Shavval therefore three and a half days — are duration of official days off to Turkey.

the Most important element of a holiday to Turkey are sweets, candies and chocolate. They can be seen in all shops and the markets over all country. On the eve of a holiday Turks always buy many sweets then to distribute them to children who according to tradition visit all neighbors, congratulate them since Ides al-Fitr, shake to men and women of a hand, and in exchange receive candies, and sometimes and some liras.

Besides, in days of a holiday Turks very much like to visit the open areas and places for a barbecue in public parks. In Istanbul, for example, many inhabitants prefer to go town, in places for quiet rest. Sometimes they come back to the hometowns to take pleasure in a holiday in the bosom of the family.

Saudi Arabia. Rest

To Saudi Arabia during "rest" on the occasion of a holiday all family members gather, carry out joint dinners and arrange sacrifices during which it is usually accepted to hold family meetings that often turn into games between adults and children.