The earth burns under feet

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The earth burns under feet

the commission as a part of representatives of administration of Sosnovoborsk and the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations conducted Today examinations of coastal part of the river of Esaulovki where the day before there was an accident as a result of which the child got foot burn, having failed in soil smoldering on the river bank.

we Will remind

that this information was distributed by some Krasnoyarsk mass media. The inhabitant addressed to them yesterday through social networks Sosnovoborsk and told that her son went fishing together with the grandmother. On the river bank it failed in sand and strongly burned. The assumption was made, near Esaulovka peat bogs burn.


the experts who have Arrived to a place found out that peat, and sapropel (so call centuries-old deposits of seaweed and organic organisms) burns not. During inspection some smoldering centers soil in which burned through on depth from 10 to 20 cm were revealed. According to rescuers, such burn-out is extremely dangerous as it is located along a foot track and its traces can be not visible on an earth surface. Employees of a fire brigade No. 83 carried out soil redigging on the revealed centers and spilled their large amount of water.

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As were explained by the fire, all found centers did not arise from self-ignition, and became work of people who make fire on the river bank or kindle braziers, and then dig in smoldering coals in coastal cracks that is strictly forbidden during the fire-dangerous period.

For prevention of repeated ignitions by employees of a fire brigade, police and City administration will organize coastline patrol. Administration of Sosnovoborsk warns residents about danger of the organization of rest on the coastline, and also that in the territory Krasnoyarsk territory the mode of an emergency situation connected with the fire-dangerous period is entered.

of All residents ask in case of detection of ignitions or the smoldering centers immediately to inform a fire brigade on ph. 8 (39131) 2-27-13 and uniform service on duty and dispatching Sosnovoborsk on ph. 8 (39131) 2-05-19.