The American scientists undertook training of a dragonfly

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Scientists train a dragonfly
the Robot dragonfly any more will not surprise. Enthusiasts in the different countries could make different options of such smart cars. But authors recognize, what not all given rise by the nature well gives in to an embodiment in metal, plasticity and electronics.

Here and creation , most precisely both effectively imitating a dragonfly and possessing the speed and maneuverability of this insect, are incredibly difficult task from the technical point of view. Therefore the American scientists from Laboratory Charles Stark Dreyper and Hughes Howard decided to go some other way. They decided to operate a live dragonfly, having hung on her tiny "backpack" with electronics. System very sophisticated. To certain neurons of nervous system via fiber-optical light guides light impulses move. They are teams which operate behavior of an insect.

But have not enough of it. That neurons of a dragonfly could react to light influence, the insect was subject to procedure of special gene modification. Energy of electronic engineer receives from the tiny solar batteries, dressed to a dragonfly. So the dragonfly turned, in fact, into analog Air UAVs with remote control. The operated insect can be used as scouts, researchers of territories dangerous to the person. But unlike the unpretentious artificial car, capable to serve days, this living being. So, it should have a rest and eat.
