Action in Moscow: again children, provocations and Alexei Navalny

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an opposition Action on Academician Sakharov Avenue in Moscow came to the end without incident, about 1800 people participated in it. Police and ROSGVARDIYA provided appropriate protection of a law and order and safety of action. About rough disorderly conduct it is not reported, transfers information agency "Interfaks" .

Earlier Moscow Government agreed on the demand of the director of FBK Roman Rubanov on carrying out meeting on June 12 on Academician Sakharov Avenue with the declared number up to 15 000 people. However on June 11 the oppositionist Alexei Navalny declared unauthorized transfer of an action from Sakharov Avenue on Tverskaya Street. In Moscow Government this appeal designated provocation.

Nevertheless, some followed to an appeal to unauthorized meeting . During them the employee OMON suffered. One of participants of an uncoordinated action scattered to him in eyes from a pepper barrel. Now the victim is in an ambulance car. Doctors render it medical aid.


It is reported about several activists in the center Moscow. In particular, the former vice-president of "People's Freedom Party" Ilya Yashin, the Saratov politician Maltsev Vyacheslav and the activist Galperin Mark is detained. By words Ilya Yashin, together with it are detained 22 persons. The director Non-commercial organization "Fond borby s korruptsiey" Roman Rubanov also declared the on a platform of carrying out action. By words Roman Rubanov, deliver it now in "Krasnoselskoye's" Department of Internal Affairs. Thus the reason of is not clear to it:

"I am the only organizer of meeting, any people, me not known here started acting, I asked police officers to stop it, police officers instead detained me" — he told.

of Official comments from law enforcement agencies in this respect while is not present.

according to eyewitnesses, police officers detained some participants of an unauthorized action and in Saint Petersburg. Before it militiamen on a public address system warned gathered on the Field of Mars about need to finish an action in order to avoid attraction to administrative responsibility. The action coordinated with the city authorities took place in Specific park. Earlier it was reported that the Heroes of Four Eras festival on the Field of Mars is ahead of schedule stopped because of threat of provocations.

Observers from Council for human rights at President of the Russian Federation, in turn, noted a set of provocations on a place of unauthorized actions in the Tverskaya. It is a question, in particular, of participation of minors. As the member of SPCh Kabanov Kirill declared, at Council presidium during discussion of preparing actions a number of members of SPCh assumed that the official action as "" are necessary is not necessary to organizers.

"Again teenagers who really broke an order, send from message paddywagons that they were marked out, got as detainees" — he added.

Meanwhile, LLC "YANDEKS" Yandex rejected charges of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny in lack of news about meetings in a tape of latest news Yandeks.Novosti. In the afternoon on June 12 the oppositionist Alexei Navalny in the blog accused the news aggregator of concealment of news about passable meetings.

"Headings about meetings are today in a top" — the head of the press service LLC "YANDEKS" Melkumova Asya declared to

information agency "RIA Novosti" , having put screenshots regional and Moscow aggregator Yandeks.Novosti.

Melkumova Asya reminded that the news plot long remains in a top if about an event continue to write many sources. The representative of the press service also noted that LLC "YANDEKS" is not edited by a rating of news and does not write news independently.

Should noting that the day before Alexei Navalny already accused authorities of the capital which, according to him, allegedly did not allow to place a scene and the sound equipment into Sakharov's square. Later it became clear that no obstacles existed and the working equipment was installed on a place in time.


the sound of which as though there were no Alexei Navalny pic works For Sakharov.

— Actual policy (@Current_policy) on June 12, 2017.

of the Action of opposition in Novosibirsk, Barnaul and Tomsk came to the end without incident, writes information agency "ITAR-TASS" .