McDaniel urged to stop investigation against Trump

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the Chairman of National committee Republican Party of USA Ronna Romney McDaniel urged to stop carrying out investigations in the congress concerning possible communications of the campaign headquarters of Trump with Russian Federation. In interview to TV channel of TV channel "Fox News Channel" she declared that there are no proofs of intervention Moscow. Thus, according to her, it is necessary to find out, "that Russian Federation concerning presidential election did".

Earlier, on June 8, in senatorial committee on foreign affairs the ex-head of FBI James Brian Komi , as the dismissed President of the United States of America on May 9 "because of trust loss" acted . He told that felt uncomfortablly during meetings with the president and therefore wrote down the content of conversations. Then, by words James Brian Komi, it gave these records to the friend, and they are mass media. James Brian Komi conducted investigation regarding assumed "Trump's communications with Russian Federation" which disprove both in the White house, and in the Kremlin, transfers information agency "RIA Novosti" .

James Brian Komi
Last position: Professor
Ronna Romni Makdeniel
Last position: Chairman of National committee (Republican Party of USA)