The inhabitant of Primorsky territory killed the woman for the sake of 450 rubles and phone

@Sut' Sobytij
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The inhabitant of Primorye killed the woman for the sake of 450 rubles and phone

B Partizanke Primorsky territory the man at the age of 32 years went for murder for the purpose of a robbery. Now management of Committee of inquiry on the region is engaged in investigation of a crime.

As managed to be found out to investigators, the malefactor saw alone going 37-year-old woman and decided to steal her things. For this purpose the man struck to the victim more than ten blows with a knife, as a result of traumatized the victim died. Then the thief took away from the woman of 450 rubles and phone. Besides it became clear that at lost jewelry was gone.

to Law enforcement officers managed to identify the personality of the victim, and also murder suspected of commission. The detained man admitted commission of crime. Things lost were found in a search course in the place of residence of the suspect.

Now investigators finish

work on collecting evidential base, reports website "News agency Rosbalt".