Year of ecology: Interregional prosecutor's office of the Baley district of the Zabaykalsky Territory obliged Administration of the urban settlement Baley city to liquidate unauthorized dumps

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Baleysky interdistrict the prosecutor's office carried out an inspection of performance of the legislation on the organization of collecting and export of production wastes and consumption, biological waste, their placements, and also elimination unauthorized svalokna territories of the city settlement "City of Balya".

during check within Baley revealed 8 unauthorized dumps of solid household waste in the form of plastic, metal, glass container, waste of a woodworking, polyethylene and paper bags and other garbage.

Local governments of the city settlement "City of Balya" did not carry out actions for collecting and export of household waste and garbage in the territory of the city settlement. Rejection by administration of the settlement of measures for the organization of collecting and garbage removal led to emergence of spontaneous unauthorized dumps, violated the right of citizens for favorable environment.

by results of check interdistrict the prosecutor's office sent

to court the statement of claim about compulsion of administration of the city settlement "City of Balya" to organize and carry out actions for collecting and garbage removal and household waste from places of unauthorized dumps in the territory of the city settlement.

the Statement of claim court is considered and satisfied with

, its execution is on interdistrict prosecutor's offices .

(Information the assistant to the Baleysky interdistrict prosecutor Kirichenko Catherina provided)