The young football player from Boats will be trained in camp of the Italian club "Yuventus"

@Vechernie Chelny
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"Fund of development of monotowns" three children to Sochi to execute the dream. Among them and nine-year-old resident of Naberezhnye Chelny Naydanov Andrey. Its candidate defined INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "FC"KAMAZ".

- We did not expect that to us so will carry. Naydanov Andrey plays football from 4 years, and it is possible to tell that soccer is his life. It is very pleasant that we were given such opportunity to learn at football school, - quote in the press service of executive committee of Mamou Naydanov Andrey Naydanova Natalia.

To Sochi the next season of football camp of the Italian club "Yuventus" to Russian Federation opens. Here young football players from all country will gather. Children will be trained at the best trainers of Academy of "Juventus". As the Italian mentors — by the techniques best in the world checked on decades speak.

to All participants of camp upon termination of the program of training certificates on passing of a course and souvenirs from one of the most titled clubs Italy will be issued to

. Will be trained from June 12 to June 17.

Naydanov Andrey
Naydanova Natalia
Main activity:Culture and sports