Epidemic of bird flu returned to South Korea

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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did not pass also two months as "bird flu" with which South Korea with great difficulty was consulted, again returned to the country. Experts confirmed infection of a domestic and wild bird with the high-pathogenic virus H5N8.<"3>" with

of the Power of the country, remembering the previous flash which quickly extended over all country, took emergency measures. Today the order according to which all taken on bird's farms have to stop movement was issued and remain in the places of residence within a day for carrying out disinfection works. The decree comes into force at 00:00 on June 7. Violators are threatened by a penalty to 10 million wons (about 8,8 thousand dollars) or imprisonment for up to one year.

At the same time level of epidemiological danger is raised by

to the maximum. In all administrative regions, according to the government decree, special staffs on fight in the outbreak of bird flu are created.

According to the latest data of the authorities, the centers of H5N8 recorded near six cities and in eight districts, including Ulsan, Kusan, Chechzhu, Yangsan, Busan, Pkhachzhu and others. For the fastest elimination of epidemic of the power began to resort to emergency measures. In a number of places destroyed all birds on farms where the outbreak of an infection was confirmed. In total by the present moment more than 30 thousand heads of poultry are liquidated already.