Genetically modified dragonfly cyborg: the smallest throne in the world

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Researchers from Laboratory Charles Stark Dreyper turned an ordinary dragonfly into a futuristic cyborg , which could be controlled distantsionno.
Genetically modified dragonfly cyborg: the smallest throne in the world

DragonflEye is created by means of genetic modification of ordinary dragonflies photosensitive by "directing neurons" in a spinal cord of an insect. The tiny structures similar to fiber-optical, in the opinion of a dragonfly sends light impulses to a brain, and thus it is possible to control the direction of flight of an insect remotely. Also it bears on a back tiny "backpack" with sensors and the tiny solar panel for the energy feeding on collection of information. In the theory researchers will be able to operate such dragonfly, and it will collect data on environment in conditions, unsafe for cheloveka.

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and terrifies — quite easy to present as similar genetic modifications are applied on more advanced beings. And the idea of the most ordinary insects who actually act as spies, does not inspire big optimism. Nevertheless, such cyberinsects can help us to understand the world in absolutely new ways, to see places where people in principle cannot get. Genetic modifications which allow dragonflies to move, can once help disabled people to go. While scientists can force the cyborgs to fly only in a straight line, but potential here is huge, both for good, and for the bad.