On Gayva passed a festival of professions of "Sport Industry"

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At Gayva stadium took place a festival of professions of "Sport Industry" which took place under the motto "The Favourite in Sports, the Favourite in Life". Participants could get acquainted with the professions connected with the sports industry, and also take part in competitions and master classes.

the Opening ceremony of a festival began

with parade of 11 teams under sounds of the anthem Russian Federation. Then solemn delivery of letters of thanks to the best athletes Children's youthful center "Favourite" for high sports results took place.

- Actually today a unique event because it passes for the first time. Who could think that it is possible to connect so skillfully general idea of strategy of a development of the city which is connected with a professional choice, and sports. Today a problem of this festival – to show you, dear children as the world of the professions is various, what professions live in the world of the sports industry and about it. Moreover, we are deeply convinced that sports are a guarantee of your successful future. It is correctly spoken, the one who the favourite in sports, that will be a favourite and in life, - such words Lyudmila Gadzhiyeva , the deputy of chapter of Administration of Perm welcomed all participants of a festival Gadzhieva Ludmila

Thanks to the whole series of the master classes given within a festival, children got acquainted with known athletes Perm territory and their professions. So, the acting player of a basketball team "Parma", the owner of the Cup Dybovsky Maxime told Russian Federation shared the knowledge of features of occupations the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games, the world champion and Europe. With demonstration performance on a festival there arrived the winner of the international tournaments, the gymnast Popadinets Valeria.

At a press conference "My successful sports StartUp" children could communicate to champions of sports and learn secrets of their success. Teachers of kindergartens and school establishments after easy warm-up proved in GTO delivery, having shown that an example of younger generation. Teams of school students battled in the militarized relay. Guests of a festival could not only get acquainted with unfairly forgotten domestic games, for example, "Lapta", "Towns", "Banner capture", "Siskin", but also to take in them part.

the festival Ended with an awards ceremony of winners of competitions to whom cups and the diplomas were handed over with

, all the others received badges of participants of a festival.

Source: www.gorodperm.ru
Ludmila Gadzhiev
Maxime Dybovsky
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (SBSK "SAMARA CITY")
Tatyana Veshkurova
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics
Popadinets Valeria