The reception of citizens the deputy of Legislative Assembly Filippov Valery passed in Yemanzhelinsk district

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voters came on May 30 To the deputy center of Emanzhelinsky office of "United Russia" Party with the sore problems.

Inhabitant of the item. Krasnogorsk asked for the help in the solution of a question on granting a privilege on a vehicle tax. Essence that under the law the pensioner having the car with power up to 150 h.p., receives a privilege for a vehicle tax. And the pensioner having the car with power over 150 h.p., in particular, as at it - 163 horsepowers, pays a vehicle tax on a full rate for all 163 h.p. without privilege. But, as the car is in use at the applicant 14 years, he and addresses to legislators of area to consider opportunity to provide to it as the pensioner, a privilege for the power of the car of 150 h.p., and for remained 13 h.p. to show a tax on a full rate or to show a vehicle tax with a privilege, depending on the term of operation of the car.

the Following question from the inhabitant of Yemanzhelinsk to the parliamentarian – asphalting of the intra domestic territory which more than 10 years are not solved. During all this time Administration of the urban settlement Yemanzhelinsk answers that project documentation and the estimate on asphalting that are already ready, again prepare. Complexity is that the domestic territory on a relief difficult, during rains water flows down to entrances that strongly complicates approach of inhabitants to the house. Addresses of the senior on the house and in local governments, and other instances, so to anything still did not lead. The deputy took the solution of a question under personal control.

Should tell that practically on each reception, inhabitants of the area appeal to the deputy to give financial help. And this time the inhabitant, the disabled person of the 2nd group, appealed to help it.

On each problem the deputy carry out address work. To all requests Filippov Valery treats with understanding, tries to help, advise, make the decision on meste.