Nationalists broke session of Regional Council of Lvovo

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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the Ukrainian radicals threaten with "self-capture" of the power
More than one hundred fighters of the Ukrainian nationalist associations (Svoboda party, the National Case party, forbidden in Russian Federation "Right Sector" Party, Sokol group and others) broke session of Regional Council of Lvovo , beat protection and almost set fire to the building. They demanded amnesty for participants of ATO which have committed crimes on Donets Basin, and also acceptance by local deputies so-called "The national manifesto" - the program document Ukrainian Nazi.

the Ideological and actual leader of radicals, the deputy The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the commander the shelf "Azov" Biletsky Andrey already declared that storms of regional councils will be continued and will end with visit of his supporters to Presidential Administration.

as a result of storm 11 people, including nine militiamen suffered, three are hospitalized. Including pregnant correspondent of local TV channel: the smoke grenade got to the head to it. The aggressors chanting the anti-Russian slogans and threatening to deputies with violence, left the building after the head of a regional council Ganushchin Alexander declared a break in session work due to the lack of quorum. Now the local police threatens organizers and participants of storm with criminal case for malicious hooliganism under aggravating circumstances (h. 4 Art. 296 of UK Ukraine), however the Lvov militiamen yet did not identify none of one hundred attack planes.

Regional Council of Lvovo - the building well familiar to the Ukrainian nationalists which doors in masks, apparently, are open for "patriots" always. The bloody phase of "euromaidan" began with its capture in February, 2014. In March of this year here without invitation "heroes of ATO", supports of blockade demanding from regional deputies Donets Basin were. And the Lvov deputies gave this support to fighters, having accepted the corresponding address to the president and parliament. It is remarkable, as on Tuesday the regional council was ready to meet all requirements of nationalists - the draft of the document necessary to them already was in the secretariat, but they went too far, having scared away people's deputies. The promise of the leader of radicals Biletsky Andrey is more unpleasant to those for the Kiev authorities to develop and deepen practice of capture of regional councils." We want to create pressure, to show that these things are supported by each region. We will come to other regional councils, and then when we will already have for themselves any consolidated opinion, two tens addresses from areas, then we will surely come to the president", - the main Ukrainian nazi called by colleagues "The white leader" told.

we Will notice

that captures of office buildings - not the Ukrainian know-how. Less than an eyelid ago, during Hitler's fight for the power, NSDAP attack planes therefore from the point of view of history Biletsky Andrey is not original in the same way rushed into the Bundesrats. As there is nothing new and in "The national manifesto" which it and supporters submit the document equal to the constitution, and its acceptance at the state level demand." The national manifesto", we will remind, it was accepted on March 16 by Svoboda, Natsionalny korpus and <0> parties "Right sector" as the uniform action program uniting them. Now they want to impose it to the Ukrainian citizens and the power, appealing directly to Poroshenko. The impression is made that that is as well as the Lvov deputies - at all against, and moreover, started it carrying out. For example, recent decisions on exile of the Russian business and social networks from Ukraine entirely correspond to the N3 and N8 points of the manifesto. However, is in this document and the provisions which categorically are not arranging Poroshenko - about introduction of procedure of impeachment, about a ban of sale of a farmland and some other.

Capture of Regional Council of Lvovo and prospect of expansion of this practice in regions have to disturb the guarantor of the Ukrainian constitution who has lost opportunity to suppress fighters by force (a striking example to that its approval of blockade Donets Basin) and completely dividing their rhetoric. Question only that Poroshenko disturbs more - transformation Ukraine to the nazi state with its personal connivance or loss of a presidential chair together with assets ("deoligarkhization" of the state is stated in the N14 point of the manifesto). It is obvious that Poroshenko's money loves more strongly, than Ukraine, and, so Biletsky Andrey, not concerning presidency and business will carry out any whims. That, actually, already also occurs.

Andrey Biletsky
Last position: Commander of the regiment "Azov" (National guard of Ukraine)
Alexander Aleksandrovich Ganushchin
Last position: Chairman (Regional Council of Lvovo )
Политическая партия «Национальный корпус»
Political ideology:Украинский национализм Ультраправые Экономический национализм Протекционизм Евроскептицизм
"Right Sector"
Political ideology:Ukrainian nationalism, right extremism, Euroscepticism.