Alatalu: The Russian diplomats to Estonia should consider a situation

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to connect the Demarche with the event which not does not have relations to Russian Federation, - the matter is that since July 1 for half a year Tallinn takes up a post of the chairman in EU. It was necessary to show that Estonia is an independent state, told business newspaper "Vzglyad" the Estonian political scientist Toomas Alatalu, making comments on expulsion from the country of two Russian consuls.

Professor of the Tallinn technological university, the former deputy of parliament Toomas Alatalu believes that a reason for expulsion of two Russian diplomats hardly could become espionage or attempt to inflate separatist moods in Narva (there the majority of the population speaks Russian).

"Lately in Narva anything similar absolutely precisely did not occur, - were told by him, - rather, it is more logical to connect expulsion of diplomats with another forthcoming important for Estonia an event".

The expert reminded that since July 1 the country will start carrying out a role of the chairman in EU therefore it is important to it to show the determination to partners not only in the east, but also in the West. "It was necessary to show that Estonia is an independent state and to all violations reacts as appropriate", - the political scientist told, having emphasized that "there is nothing special", and that "the Russian diplomats should consider a situation".

Earlier on Friday in Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Estonia ordered to the consul general in Narva Kazennov Dimitri and to the consul Surgaev Andrey to leave the country. Moscow promised to answer dispatch. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation declared that Tallinn undertook "frankly hostile action" which "will even more complicate the bilateral relations". In department note that thus "the situation on borders with Russian Federation even more becomes aggravated, myths about the Russian threat are supported, the Russophobic policy of Estonian authorities" comes true.