Tikhoretsk are brought to the inhabitant charge of rape of the acquaintance

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Obmaykin Fedor / information portal "Yugopolis"

Investigative department of Tikhoretsk district SKR on edge brought charge to the 20-year-old young man of rape of the 18-letneymestny inhabitant.

According to the investigators, on the night of May 12 the girl together with the acquaintance and two of his companions was in the downtown Tikhoretsk where they in common took alcoholic drinks then one of them suggested to take it home. Having stopped on the sidewalk near one of houses on Chernyshevsky Street, the young man seized the girl by a throat, tumbled down on the earth and raped.

Shouts of the victim about the help were heard by the woman and called the police. The tyrant detained on a crime scene.

He is taken by

into custody, criminal case is brought, the press service of SU of SKR across Krasnodar territory reports.