The five-year-old child in Tyva Republic pursued the slippers carried away by the river and drowned
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Пятилетний ребенок в Туве погнался за унесенными рекой тапочками и утонул Photo
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the Five-year-old boy in Tyva Republic drowned in Hemchike's river, having pursued the slippers carried away by a current, the correspondent Sib.Fm from the message of regional government of committee of inquiry learned on May 23.

the Tragedy occurred on May 21 when the group of juvenile children without adults came to the river bank to bathe. According to friends of the victim, he, being in water, ran behind the slippers which have come off feet, and the strong current carried away him. The body of the child was revealed later in the river.

Upon death of the boy organized pre-investigation check during which all circumstances of an event will be established and the assessment is given to actions of the adults who have not followed children. According to regional sledkoma, more than 80% of the accidents happening in the republic to children and teenagers, it would be possible to prevent at more careful control from parents.

"Can consider as the main reason for children's traumatism lack of due baby sitting. Parents are obliged to create the safety environment of the house; not to leave without supervision of children on roads, sporting, natural, for example, water venues and other objects of infrastructure; to refrain from the use of alcoholic drinks in the presence of minor and juvenile" — it is spoken in the department message.

we Will remind

, in November the inhabitant Barnaul received from Ministry on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response of Mongolia a medal for rescue of the sinking three-year-old child. He made a courageous act in the summer when Province of Khovd had a rest to Mongolia on river banks. During fishing the inhabitant Barnaul found a superficial place in the rough river and forded on other coast. It was noticed by the local who together with the son also decided to get over through the Po River to stones. However both of them — both the child, and the adult — slipped on wet stones and fell in water.