Blockade of Transnistria: Moldavian revenge

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the Supreme Council Transnistria accepted the statement for inadmissibility of establishment of joint Moldavian-Ukrainian control on border with Transnistria. As the correspondent information agency "REGNUM" reports, deputies emphasized that these actions mean PMR blockade, violate international legal documents and basic human rights.

"Does not raise doubts that these intentions are dictated by exclusively political reasons and aspiration to achieve the translation of Dnestr economy under jurisdiction Moldova in the conditions of not settled conflict" — is spoken in the document.

Deputies also expressed to

concern in intended blasting bases of the negotiation 5%2B2 format. "Refusal Moldova from discussion of this subject, and also torpedoing of earlier reached agreements, including provisions "Berlin protocol" of 2016, threaten stability of equal dialogue between the parties of process of settlement. Are convinced that questions of border and customs control have to be solved only within negotiation mechanisms with participation of all involved participants" — it is noted in the statement.

In the declaration deputies noted also growth of revanchist moods in the Moldavian political circles. In this regard they paid attention to the recent decision of the Constitutional court Moldova on a subject of the Moldavian neutrality, having regarded it, as "the provocation directed on shaking of peacekeeping mission Russian Federation which is the main guarantor of safety of all region". In the solution of KS Moldova, we will remind, the Russian military presence at PMR is called "illegal" and equated to "occupation".

"Lowering questions of quality of the Moldavian legal examination which has allowed expansion of cooperation "neutral" Moldova with NATO against direct instigation of the authorities of RM to application of armed forces for a resolution of conflict with Transnistria, and also an offensive assessment of a role of the USSR and Russian Federation without which efforts the modern Moldavian statehood in principle would be impossible, the Supreme Council of Transnistria notes the become frequent dangerous attempts of revision of history" — is spoken in VS statement.

"The people of Transnistria well remember that the territory of Bessarabia before establishment so-called "the Soviet occupation" represented, what methods in 1992 Moldova tried to bring "constitutional order", and also remembers a role of peacekeeping forces Russian Federation in restoration of peace and safety on coast of Dnestr. Apparently, neither the world, nor safety are not those values which need to be protected" for the Moldavian authorities — deputies emphasize.

the Parliament of Transnistria "reserves the right for acceptance of the political and legal response measures corresponding to a situation for the aggressive actions directed against interests of the Dnestr people and leaders to large-scale crisis both in economy, and in the course of settlement". "Responsibility for consequences of similar actions completely will lay down on the Moldavian authorities and the actions of force interested in escalation of intensity supporting them" — is spoken in the document.

Deputies also called Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and OSCE PA as representative bodies of the states and the organizations which are guarantors and intermediaries in negotiation process, "to apply all necessary political and legal tools to prevention of destabilization of a situation round peacekeeping operation, blocking of the negotiation mechanism in the 5%2B2 format and attempts of establishment of blockade of Transnistria".

information agency "REGNUM" reminds that Moldova and Ukraine intend to enter until the end of the year joint control on the Dnestr-Ukrainian border in the territory Ukraine. "Kuchurgan — May Day" is planned to open the first joint post until the end of May.

Creation of joint Moldavian-Ukrainian border check-points on the Dnestr-Ukrainian border (in the territory Ukraine) violates the law most Ukraine, and also means introduction of total boundary block Transnistria and complete control over all flows of people and through PMR from outside Moldova in defiance of earlier reached agreements.

according to the estimates of the Dnestr authorities, it will cause a direct loss to PMR economy of about $40 million, and also leaves without work and means of livelihood about 10% of the population of the republic.