As the 93-year-old dictator "does not sleep" on public actions

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Mugabe Robert
the President Zimbabwe Mugabe Robert does not sleep on public actions, and hides eyes from bright light.

So the press secretary of the 93-year-old head of the African state commented on photos in which by Mugabe Grace it is imprinted with the hung head and the closed eyes, reports information agency "Reuters".

according to the press secretary, by 93 years "something happens to eyes" and the president "cannot long look at bright light".
- If you attentively look at br at position of his head, will notice that he simply looks down, avoiding direct beams, - he told.
As 93-year-old dictator

we Will remind br to br, Mugabe Grace are in power 37 years, from the moment of finding by the country of independence from United Kingdom in 1980: at first as the prime minister, and since 1987 — the president. Recently his wife Mugabe Grace declared that even if "we will expose a corpse of the husband elections — it will win".